Published Date : 2019年3月5日1:20
Enables TeraTerm to SSH to the server.
Set up Django by installing Pyenv on the server.
Now let's start building a blog in Django.
For a detailed explanation, see here.
First, where do you put your blog's folders?
Access the server from TeraTerm.
Check what is in the current location.
$ ls
Maildir _db_dump log perl5 public_html
Go from current location to public_html.
$ cd public_html
I don't know other rental servers. With CoreserverMini, it's like putting HTML files, Javascript files and PHP files on public_html to create a site.
$ ls
A folder is created with a domain name that you buy and name. log
Move there.
$ cd
Now you can type Django commands.
By hitting the django-admin startproject (The name of the project) command on a black screen, you can create a directory (folder) with a single set of project components.
$ django-admin startproject mysite
Like this.
I'm going to tinker with this project and create a blog. Writing Python code with vi in TeraTerm is tedious. (If you are familiar with the vi editor, this is a very absurd opinion.) Because I'm tired (I'm a beginner.), first bring the project file to my local environment. You will work with the editor of your personal computer (Local Environment) that you are familiar with.
CORESERVER provides a convenient tool called the net2ftp manager, which allows you to exchange files on the server with the local (environment of his personal computer).
From the value domain control panel, click "New Control Panel".
Click "Site Settings" - > "FTP Settings" - > "net2 ftp manager".
On a screen like this, you can see folders and files that contain hidden files (. Files beginning with). Here's the .bash_profile you worked on last time.
In the upper left, you can create and upload files, and in the upper right, you can copy, move, delete, and download files.
Let's download the whole mysite (If it's another name, that name.) project we created. Click public_html.
Click the folder with your domain name.
Check the box next to your project and click Download in the upper right corner.
It will be zipped and downloaded (compressed). Then right-click and select "Expand Here" and the contents will be unzipped and the folder will appear in the same location.
I'm going to stop here today because I'm sleepy. I'll bring it next time.