Published Date : 2020年3月3日14:04
YouTubeにアップした動画、「【Processing】Part 8 - Create a simple guitar fretboard app : 単純なギターフレットボードのアプリを作ろう」の補足説明の記事です。
Here's a little more about the "【Processing】Part 8 - Create a simple guitar fretboard app : 単純なギターフレットボードのアプリを作ろう" video I uploaded to YouTube.
まずは上の動画の趣旨を軽く説明します。 Processingを使用してギターのフレットボードから簡単なTAB譜を描画するアプリケーションを作成します。 このアプリケーションの利点は、ギターの弦と音階の関係をギターフレットボードから直接理解でき、1つずつ画像ファイルとして保存できることです。
First, let me briefly explain the purpose of the video above. Create an application to draw a simple TAB notation from a guitar fretboard with Processing. The advantage of this application is that you can understand the relationship between guitar strings and musical scales directly from the guitar fretboard and save them one by one as image files.
今回はおまけとして、Part6のアプリにPart7で実験した音を出す機能を加えていきます。 ギターの音はSunvoxというロシア製のフリーのDTMソフトを使用しています。 このソフトの簡単な説明は前回のブログまたは動画で確認してください。
This time, as a bonus, we're going to add the ability to make the sounds we tested in Part 7 to the app in Part 6. I use a free Russian DTM software called Sunvox for the guitar sound. Please check the previous blog or video for a brief explanation of this software.
I'll leave the entire explanation to the video, but I'll explain the parts that I think need to be supplemented.
I've created a similar app in the past that uses P5.js and Python to display in the browser, so check out this post.
Table of Contents
今回のコードの追加部分 Additional parts of this code |
このアプリとSunvoxを併用する Using Sunvox and this app together |
ページの最後へ Go to the end of the page. |
Now, I will briefly explain this time additional part.
まずフォルダの構成です。 前回の音楽フォルダを移動するだけです。
Let's start with the folder structure. All you have to do is move the previously created music data folder.
app folder +-> data - xx.wav images - xxx.png fretBoard.pde GStringsGNotes.pde guitarCCButtons.pde NotesFretNums.pde operationButtons.pde staffTAB.pde main.pde
All that's left is to add the previous test code to main.pde.
Import the Processing Sound library.
import processing.sound.*;
Define the variables you prepared last time.
Delete duplicate variables in the main file.
String[] twtoneChromaticScale = {"e", "f", "fs", "g", "gs", "a", "as", "b", "c", "cs", "d", "ds"}; SoundFile[] sfiles; float[] durationsRatio; float currentDuration;
Next, we add the code in the setup function.
See the previous video or blog for an explanation of this code.
void setup(){ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //前回の変数の初期化と設定を加える //Initialize and set previous variables currentDuration = 0; sfiles = new SoundFile[47]; durationsRatio = new float[noteDurations.size()]; for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { int offset = 12; for (int j = 0; j < twtoneChromaticScale.length; j++) { if (i == 1) { offset = i * j; } else { offset = 12 * (i-1) + j; } if (j <= 7) { sfiles[offset] = new SoundFile(this, twtoneChromaticScale[j] + i + ".wav"); } else { if (i==4 && j==11) { break; } else { sfiles[offset] = new SoundFile(this, twtoneChromaticScale[j] + str(i+1) + ".wav"); } } } } for (int k = 0; k < noteDurations.size(); k++) { durationsRatio[k] = sfiles[0].duration() * (pow(2, k)-1)/pow(2, k); } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You then create a new GuitarSound function in the Main file to play the sound.
But, you may encounter a bug if in which an object of the GStringsGNotes class and a sound generating function are linked in the Draw function, and the sound continues to be generated.
Also, if you use it in the MousePressed function or KeyPressed function in conjunction with an object, the operation will be delayed by one.
Therefore, the solution is to use buttons and Key operations to change the sound function to True or False, and then use it in conjunction with the guitar note object.
cp5.addToggle("toggleSound") .setPosition(525, 50) .setSize(63,30) .setValue(false) .setColorBackground(#1F0F04) .setColorActive(#3E7AB9) .setColorCaptionLabel(#BC9C3D) .setCaptionLabel("toggle:sound") .setMode(ControlP5.SWITCH);
トグルスイッチを作り、準備ができたら、グローバル変数の用意とトグルスイッチで定義したtoggleSound関数を作ります。 cp5の基本的な使い方は前回のブログを参考にしてくだちぃ。
Create a toggle switch, and when you're ready, create a global variable and a toggleSound function defined by the toggle switch. Please refer to my previous blog for the basic use of cp5.
boolean checkSound = false; void toggleSound(boolean theFlag){ if(theFlag==true) { checkSound = true; } else { checkSound = false; } }
Now, let's create the GuitarSound function.
The guitarSound function copies and improves on the snapShot function.
void guitarSound(){ float x = widthSpacing/2 - 10; float ey = heightSpacing/2 + 265; float ty = heightSpacing/2 + 295; float r = 30; pushStyle(); noStroke(); textAlign(CENTER,CENTER); fill(#C0C0C0);
To change a determination method of an If sentence so as to make a sound when a button is pressed with a mouse or a 'P' of a keyboard is pressed.
if (((mousePressed) && (x+r/2 > mouseX)&&(ey-r/2 < mouseY)&&(x-r/2 < mouseX)&&(ey+r/2 > mouseY)) || (keyPressed && (key=='p' || key=='P'))) { fill(#ED654A); r = 36;
If checkSound is True, the For and SwitchCase statements are used to make sounds.
if (checkSound) { for (int i = 0; i < sixStrings; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < sns[i].theObjNotesArray.length; k++) {
"i" in "sns[i].fretClicked[k]" corresponds to the guitar string number and "k" corresponds to the fret number.
if (sns[i].fretClicked[k] && !(sns[i].checkMute)) {
それぞれの弦の開放弦に対応するノート番号をオフセットに設定します。 そして、cueメソッドに現在の音の長さを引数として入れて、再生ヘッドの位置を変えます。 最後にplayメソッドで音を再生させた後、break文でSwitch文を脱出して、次のiの処理を続けます。
Sets the note number corresponding to the open chord of each chord to the offset. It then changes the position of the playhead by passing the current sound length as an argument to the cue method. Finally, after playing the sound with the play method, use the break statement to escape the Switch statement and proceed to the next i.
switch(i){ case 0: sfiles[24 + k].cue(currentDuration); sfiles[24 + k].play(1.0, 1.0); break; case 1: sfiles[19 + k].cue(currentDuration); sfiles[19 + k].play(1.0, 1.0); break; case 2: sfiles[15 + k].cue(currentDuration); sfiles[15 + k].play(1.0, 1.0); break; case 3: sfiles[10 + k].cue(currentDuration); sfiles[10 + k].play(1.0, 1.0); break; case 4: sfiles[5 + k].cue(currentDuration); sfiles[5 + k].play(1.0, 1.0); break; case 5: sfiles[k].cue(currentDuration); sfiles[k].play(1.0, 1.0); break; } } } } } } ellipse(x,ey,r,r); text("Sound",x,ty); popStyle(); }
To finish, we assign the length of the sound corresponding to currentDuration to match the current checkNoteDuration value.
Make minor changes in the mousePressed function.
void mousePressed(){ if ((obs.cOperationButtons[0][0] > mouseX)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[0][1] < mouseY)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[0][2] < mouseX)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[0][3] > mouseY)){ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if ((obs.cOperationButtons[5][0] > mouseX)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[5][1] < mouseY)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[5][2] < mouseX)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[5][3] > mouseY)){ checkNoteDuration = 1; // add currentDuration = durationsRatio[0]; } if ((obs.cOperationButtons[6][0] > mouseX)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[6][1] < mouseY)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[6][2] < mouseX)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[6][3] > mouseY)){ checkNoteDuration = 2; // add currentDuration = durationsRatio[1]; } if ((obs.cOperationButtons[7][0] > mouseX)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[7][1] < mouseY)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[7][2] < mouseX)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[7][3] > mouseY)){ checkNoteDuration = 4; // add currentDuration = durationsRatio[2]; } if ((obs.cOperationButtons[8][0] > mouseX)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[8][1] < mouseY)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[8][2] < mouseX)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[8][3] > mouseY)){ checkNoteDuration = 8; // add currentDuration = durationsRatio[3]; } if ((obs.cOperationButtons[9][0] > mouseX)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[9][1] < mouseY)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[9][2] < mouseX)&&(obs.cOperationButtons[9][3] > mouseY)){ checkNoteDuration = 16; // add currentDuration = durationsRatio[4]; }
Remember to add the guitarSound function inside the Draw function.
void draw() { background(#1F2A36); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ snapShot(); // add guitarSound(); }
Finally, use Sunvox in conjunction with this app.
In other words, the reason I created this app is to help "People who know the correspondence between guitar strings and frets but cannot intuitively understand tab notation or staff notation." create songs and perform them in DTM software.
First of all, I will edit the guitar chord, scale and beat with this application.
Brief explanation of how to operate the application
Toggle switch between viewing and viewing Notes. The display function is turned on at first.
Basically, if you switch the blue part to the right, it will be false.
Turn on the Mute switch, then click on the open guitar string notes to mute it.
ResetEach restes just one guitar string. Turn this on as well, and click notes on the open guitar string.
ResetAll is reset when turned ON. It cannot be edited without turning OFF.
Turn on the Sound switch, then click the left Sound button or press "p" on your keyboard to make the currently active guitar string play.
If the guitar string is active, you'll see notes corresponding to the bottom left staff and TAB notes.
Standard guitar chord buttons.
Buttons for switching between DownStroke and UpStroke.
Buttons to select the length of the note.
You can see that the sound length has changed.
Press the forward button to advance the edit line. To retern, press the Backward button
When you're edited, you can save it as a PNG file by pressing the Record button and then the Forward button, or the Snapshot button in the upper left.
Edit in Sunvox
Open Sunvox and position the image you saved or app right or left.
Click the key in the upper right corner or press the Spacebar on the keyboard.
You can then edit it. Please edit while looking at the notes displayed in the application. The sound of Sunvox guitar is set to be one octave lower, so please edit it one octave lower.
右下のハンバーガーメニューをクリックして「Pattern properties」をクリックして、「Number of tracks」を6つにしてください。
Click the hamburger menu in the lower right, click "Pattern properties", and change "Number of tracks" to 6.
To move the track, press TAB for the best results.
If you want to go back in reverse, use [SHIFT + TAB].
If you drag the mouse to specify a range and then copy, you can reuse the chord that you edited once.
To turn off the sound, switch to edit mode and then press the OFF button.
You can also copy and paste by dragging the mouse to specify the range and cut. You can also use it when you want to erase that range.
You can use it with Sunvox, or you can play the guitar while looking at a snapshot you edited and saved.
今回使用したソフトは素晴らしいことに全て無料で使用できます。 作ってくれた偉大なる先人達に感謝です。 さらにMac、Windows、Linuxどれでも動きます。 まだまだ色々なことがこれらのソフトを組み合わせてできます。 是非各自で創意工夫をして色々と作ってみてください。
The software I used this time can be used for free. I thank my great predecessors. It also supports Mac, Windows and Linux. You can do more with this software. Please try making various things with your own creativity.