Published Date : 2019年12月15日2:41
This time I tried using p5.js to read data from a CSV file and graph it. The second half.
I want to use p5.js for the first time in a while, and it also serves as a review, so it's a basic content.
The graph I created is shown in the previous blog post.
It takes time to load, but the biggest advantage of p5.js is that you can do what you want right away because you can program like entering numbers into drawing software.
Then, I will write the continuation of the last time.
Table of Contents
Let's get start with continued from the last time.
date = table.getColumn('Date'); open = table.getColumn('Open'); high = table.getColumn('High'); low = table.getColumn('Low'); close = table.getColumn('Close'); adjClose = table.getColumn('Adj Close'); volume = table.getColumn('Volume');
Use the getColumn method of the table object to get a list for each column.
The table object has been briefly described previously.
textAlign(CENTER); push(); strokeWeight(1); text('Graph style', 45, 20); pop();
Then use textAlign(CENTER) to center the text display.
Here is a brief description of the push(); and pop(); that are frequently used in this script.
push()とpop()はセットで使われます。 push()とpop()で囲われた箇所の、図形の色や場所等の設定は、他に影響を及ぼさないということです。
push() and pop() are used in pairs. Settings such as the color and the position of the graphic in the area surrounded by push() and pop() have no effect on other graphics.
gstyle = createSelect(); gstyle.position(85, 5); gstyle.option('normal'); gstyle.option('bar'); gstyle.changed(toggleDuration);
このcreateSelect()はp5.jsのDOMライブラリにあるメソッドです。 HTML内にセレクトエレメントを作り、p5.js(Javascript)で操作できるようにします。
The createSelect() method is available in the p5.js DOM library. Creates a select element in HTML that can be manipulated by p5.js (Javascript).
DOM(Document Object Model)を簡単に図で説明します。
Let's take a quick look at the DOM (Document Object Model) using diagrams.
この場合、SelectタグのOptionの値、ValueをDOMといい、 Javascriptによって操作され、テキストの表示を変える働きに関連しています。
In this case, the Option value of Value in the Select tag is called DOM and is manipulated by Javascript to relate to changing the text.
push(); strokeWeight(1); text('Date range', 190, 20); pop(); period = createSelect(); period.position(230, 5); period.option('from 1985 to 2019'); period.option('1980\'s'); period.option('1990\'s'); period.option('2000\'s'); period.option('2010\'s'); period.changed(toggleDuration);
The advantage of the p5.js DOM library is that you can easily describe the location of select tags, the creation of options, and the preparation of operations with the DOM in JS.
// Default Draw defaultDraw = new DrawGraph('normal', 1, 1984, 2019, true); defaultDraw.display();
I'll explain this part later.
SelectタグのDOMが操作された時に発動されるfunction toggleDuration関数の簡単な説明です。
Here is a brief description of the toggleDuration function that is invoked when the Select tag's DOM is manipulated.
function toggleDuration() { background(255); push(); text('Graph style', 45, 20); text('Date range', 190, 20); pop(); let item = period.value();
この関数は株価の推移の期間を決めるので、一度画面が再描写されます。 background(255)でキャンバスを白に塗りつぶし、再度テキストを表示させます。 そして、Selectタグで選択されたOption値を取得します。
This function determines the stock period and redrawn the screen. Use background(255) to fill the canvas to white and display the text again. It then gets Option value selected by the Select tag.
switch (item) { case 'from 1985 to 2019': allPeriods = new DrawGraph(gstyle.value(), 1, 1984, 2019, true); allPeriods.display(); break; case '1980\'s': eighties = new DrawGraph(gstyle.value(), 6, 1984, 1989, false); eighties.display(); break; case '1990\'s': nineties = new DrawGraph(gstyle.value(), 3, 1990, 1999, false); nineties.display(); break; case '2000\'s': noughties = new DrawGraph(gstyle.value(), 3, 2000, 2009, false); noughties.display(); break; case '2010\'s': twentyTens = new DrawGraph(gstyle.value(), 3, 2010, 2019, false); twentyTens.display(); break; } }
The switch statement places the value to be judged in () and uses "case" to process each value.
function setup() { ----------------------------------------------------------- // Default Draw defaultDraw = new DrawGraph('normal', 1, 1984, 2019, true); defaultDraw.display(); } function toggleDuration() { ----------------------------------------------------------- twentyTens = new DrawGraph(gstyle.value(), 3, 2010, 2019, false); twentyTens.display(); ----------------------------------------------------------- }
このnew DrawGraph()は次のセクションで説明します。
This "new DrawGraph()" is described in the next section
Next, I'll show you brief description of the drawGraph.js.
class DrawGraph{ constructor(graphStyle, scale, start, end, all){ this.offset = (cwidth - offsetWidth) / 2; this.numArray = []; this.graphStyle = graphStyle; this.scale = scale; this.start = start; this.end = end; this.all = all; this.params = []; }
It's called a Class file, and to put it simply, it's like a factory where you can make products that are somewhat similar in functionality.
このようにClassファイルは予め製品の型を持っていて、後は値を入れて呼び出せば、 一つ一つ固有の同じ機能を持ったオブジェクトを幾つも作ってくれる。
In this way, the Class file has product type in advance and can be called with the value. It creates a number of unique objects with the same functionality.
p5.jsにおいて、この固有のオブジェクトを沢山作るという作業が大事になってくるのは、 例えば、マウスでクリックしたら色が変わる円を沢山作る場合です。 一つ一つの円が色を変えるというメソッドを持ち、さらに現在の色を保持するプロパティが必要です。
In p5.js, creating a lot of these unique objects is important if, for example, when you create many circles that change color when you click with the mouse. Each circle needs a method to change its color, and a property to hold the current color.
この沢山の円を今回のグラフを作るクラスファイルに置き換えて考えてみてください。 そうすればスクリプトの一行一行を理解しなくても、全体像が把握でき、すぐにオブジェクトを使ったコードが書けるようになります。
Try replacing these circles with the class file that creates this graph. That way, you can get the big picture without having to understand each line of the script and quickly write code that uses the object.
constructor(graphStyle, scale, start, end, all){ this.offset = (cwidth - offsetWidth) / 2; }
クラスの最初には必ずconstructorメソッドを挿入します。 こうすることで、このクラスはオブジェクトを作成してくれます。 引数を指定すれば、外部から好きなだけ値を決めることができます。 因みに「this」は「このクラスファイルによって作られた、オブジェクトそのもの」という意味です。 だから「this」なのです。
Be sure to insert the constructor method at the beginning of your class. The class then creates the object for you. You can specify any number of arguments to determine the value externally. By the way, "this" means "The object itself created by this class file". That's why it's called "this".
display(){ ------------------------------------------------ }
You then use display method to actually draw the graph. this is equivalent to the method for changing the color of the previous circle object.
All that's left is a simple arithmetic calculation using the [For statement] and the P5 graphical functions.
Then, look at this p5.js reference and combine the functions in it, you will soon to make a lot of sketches yourself!
最後に簡単にスケッチを試したり、今回のように自分のブログにIframeとして貼り付けられるように、p5.js web editorにデータとコードをアップロードできるようにしましょう。
Finally, let's allow you to upload data and code to the p5.js web editor so that you can easily try out a sketch or paste it as an Iframe on your blog like my previous blog post.
p5.js web editorへのログイン方法、Iframeとファイルの作り方は[p5.jsでギタータブ譜作ろうぜ]こちらの記事を参考にしてくだちぃ。
Refer to this blog post [Let's make a guitar tab sheet with p5.js] for instructions on how to login to the p5.js web editor and how to create Iframe and files.
Web Editorへ今回のスクリプトを貼り付ける場合は、Classファイルも一緒のスケッチにすることをお勧めします。
If you paste this script into the Web Editor, it is recommended that the Class file also be a sketch file.
Then, this is how to upload CSV data.
Write the script first, then save the sketch.
保存が終わったら、「Sketch」から「Add file」を選択して、アップロードするデータファイルを指定します。
After saving, select [Add file] from [Sketch] and specify the data file to upload.
You can move files using drag and drop.
このようにしてファイルをアップロードできれば、Sketchファイルと同じ階層にファイルが置かれているので、 データを読み込む際には、単純にファイルの名前を指定するだけで読み込めます。
If you can upload the file this way, the file will be in the same hierarchy as the Sketch file. When you import data, you simply specify the name of the file.
table = loadTable('N225.csv', 'csv', 'header');
So, this is over.