Published Date : 2021年8月18日3:51

016 Pythonでビットコインを学ぶ (シャー256 6)
016 Use python to learn bitcoin (sha256 6)

This blog has an English translation


This is a summary blog post about a video I uploaded to NicoNico.


Please refer to the video for details.


Table of Contents

① 動画の説明
① Video Description


Continued from last time.


Let's take care of the previous problem of oversized data and binary data such as images and complete the sha256 script.


We've been using binary notation for reasons that are easy to understand, but this time we'll deal with bytes, so we will use the hexadecimal.


So, this time, We'll use python to quickly understand hexadecimal and then continue with the script for sha256.


See wikipedia and other sites for more information on hexadecimal.

In [1]: import codecs
   ...: byte_str = codecs.decode('7e5139722f481aaed1e654e468e0b8ce9756fab5fdf04401f068d7f93642495e', 'hex')

In [2]: type(byte_str)
Out[2]: bytes

In [3]: byte_str
Out[3]: b'~Q9r/H\x1a\xae\xd1\xe6T\xe4h\xe0\xb8\xce\x97V\xfa\xb5\xfd\xf0D\x01\xf0h\xd7\xf96BI^'

In [4]: byte_str.hex()
Out[4]: '7e5139722f481aaed1e654e468e0b8ce9756fab5fdf04401f068d7f93642495e'

In [5]: byte_array = bytearray(byte_str)

In [6]: byte_array
Out[6]: bytearray(b'~Q9r/H\x1a\xae\xd1\xe6T\xe4h\xe0\xb8\xce\x97V\xfa\xb5\xfd\xf0D\x01\xf0h\xd7\xf96BI^')

In [7]: byte_array[0]
Out[7]: 126

In [8]: hex(byte_array[0])
Out[8]: '0x7e'


The decimal number we usually use is 10, which increases the number of digits.

In [9]: print("base 10")
   ...: for i in range(11):
   ...:     print(i, "->", i)
base 10
0 -> 0
1 -> 1
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
5 -> 5
6 -> 6
7 -> 7
8 -> 8
9 -> 9
10 -> 10


In other words, each column represents a power of 10.

In [10]: for i in range(10):
    ...:     print(f"10 to the power of {i} is {10**i}.")
10 to the power of 0 is 1.
10 to the power of 1 is 10.
10 to the power of 2 is 100.
10 to the power of 3 is 1000.
10 to the power of 4 is 10000.
10 to the power of 5 is 100000.
10 to the power of 6 is 1000000.
10 to the power of 7 is 10000000.
10 to the power of 8 is 100000000.
10 to the power of 9 is 1000000000.


Similarly, each binary column represents a power of 2, and each hexadecimal column represents a power of 16.

In [11]: print("base 2")
    ...: for i in range(11):
    ...:     print(i, "->", bin(i))
base 2
0 -> 0b0
1 -> 0b1
2 -> 0b10
3 -> 0b11
4 -> 0b100
5 -> 0b101
6 -> 0b110
7 -> 0b111
8 -> 0b1000
9 -> 0b1001
10 -> 0b1010

In [12]: for i in range(10):
    ...:     print(f"2 to the power of {i} is {2**i}. ({bin(2**i)})")
2 to the power of 0 is 1. (0b1)
2 to the power of 1 is 2. (0b10)
2 to the power of 2 is 4. (0b100)
2 to the power of 3 is 8. (0b1000)
2 to the power of 4 is 16. (0b10000)
2 to the power of 5 is 32. (0b100000)
2 to the power of 6 is 64. (0b1000000)
2 to the power of 7 is 128. (0b10000000)
2 to the power of 8 is 256. (0b100000000)
2 to the power of 9 is 512. (0b1000000000)


That means there are 16 possible digits used to represent numbers. 0 to 9 those values still represent the same value you're used to. the remaining six digits are represented by A to F, which values of 10 to 15.

In [13]: print("base 16")
    ...: for i in range(17):
    ...:     print(i, "->", hex(i))
base 16
0 -> 0x0
1 -> 0x1
2 -> 0x2
3 -> 0x3
4 -> 0x4
5 -> 0x5
6 -> 0x6
7 -> 0x7
8 -> 0x8
9 -> 0x9
10 -> 0xa
11 -> 0xb
12 -> 0xc
13 -> 0xd
14 -> 0xe
15 -> 0xf
16 -> 0x10

In [14]: for i in range(10):
    ...:     print(f"16 to the power of {i} is {16**i}. ({hex(16**i)})")
16 to the power of 0 is 1. (0x1)
16 to the power of 1 is 16. (0x10)
16 to the power of 2 is 256. (0x100)
16 to the power of 3 is 4096. (0x1000)
16 to the power of 4 is 65536. (0x10000)
16 to the power of 5 is 1048576. (0x100000)
16 to the power of 6 is 16777216. (0x1000000)
16 to the power of 7 is 268435456. (0x10000000)
16 to the power of 8 is 4294967296. (0x100000000)
16 to the power of 9 is 68719476736. (0x1000000000)


In binary, if the 9th bit is 1 and the lower bits are all 0, it is 2 to the power of 8 which is 256. If the 8th to lower bits are all 1, it is 255. This is expressed in hex as 100 and FF.

In [15]: bin(256)
Out[15]: '0b100000000'

In [16]: bin(255)
Out[16]: '0b11111111'

In [17]: hex(256)
Out[17]: '0x100'

In [18]: hex(255)
Out[18]: '0xff'


And the 8-bit length is then represented as the one-byte length.

print("eight-bit length ->", format(0, '08b'), "to",  format((2**8)-1, '08b'))
eight-bit length -> 00000000 to 11111111
print("one-byte length ->", format(0, '02x'), "to",  format((2**8)-1, '02x'))
one-byte length -> 00 to ff


In other words, the hex representation is easy to see with short notation.


By the way, the reason why a number raised to the power of 0 is 1 (such as 2 raised to the 0 power or 16 raised to the 0 power) can be explained by the following calculation.

In [21]: for i in range(10):
    ...:     print(f"10 to the power of {i} is {10**i}.")
10 to the power of 0 is 1.
10 to the power of 1 is 10.
10 to the power of 2 is 100.
10 to the power of 3 is 1000.
10 to the power of 4 is 10000.
10 to the power of 5 is 100000.
10 to the power of 6 is 1000000.
10 to the power of 7 is 10000000.
10 to the power of 8 is 100000000.
10 to the power of 9 is 1000000000.

In [22]: for i in range(10, 0, -1):
    ...:     print(f"{10**i} divided by 10 equals {10**(i-1)}. (10 to the {i}-1 power is 10 to the {i-1} power).")
10000000000 divided by 10 equals 1000000000. (10 to the 10-1 power is 10 to the 9 power).
1000000000 divided by 10 equals 100000000. (10 to the 9-1 power is 10 to the 8 power).
100000000 divided by 10 equals 10000000. (10 to the 8-1 power is 10 to the 7 power).
10000000 divided by 10 equals 1000000. (10 to the 7-1 power is 10 to the 6 power).
1000000 divided by 10 equals 100000. (10 to the 6-1 power is 10 to the 5 power).
100000 divided by 10 equals 10000. (10 to the 5-1 power is 10 to the 4 power).
10000 divided by 10 equals 1000. (10 to the 4-1 power is 10 to the 3 power).
1000 divided by 10 equals 100. (10 to the 3-1 power is 10 to the 2 power).
100 divided by 10 equals 10. (10 to the 2-1 power is 10 to the 1 power).
10 divided by 10 equals 1. (10 to the 1-1 power is 10 to the 0 power).

In [23]: for i in range(10):
    ...:     print(f"16 to the power of {i} is {16**i}.")
16 to the power of 0 is 1.
16 to the power of 1 is 16.
16 to the power of 2 is 256.
16 to the power of 3 is 4096.
16 to the power of 4 is 65536.
16 to the power of 5 is 1048576.
16 to the power of 6 is 16777216.
16 to the power of 7 is 268435456.
16 to the power of 8 is 4294967296.
16 to the power of 9 is 68719476736.

In [24]: for i in range(10, 0, -1):
    ...:     print(f"{16**i} divided by 16 equals {16**(i-1)}. (16 to the {i}-1 power is 16 to the {i-1} power).")
1099511627776 divided by 16 equals 68719476736. (16 to the 10-1 power is 16 to the 9 power).
68719476736 divided by 16 equals 4294967296. (16 to the 9-1 power is 16 to the 8 power).
4294967296 divided by 16 equals 268435456. (16 to the 8-1 power is 16 to the 7 power).
268435456 divided by 16 equals 16777216. (16 to the 7-1 power is 16 to the 6 power).
16777216 divided by 16 equals 1048576. (16 to the 6-1 power is 16 to the 5 power).
1048576 divided by 16 equals 65536. (16 to the 5-1 power is 16 to the 4 power).
65536 divided by 16 equals 4096. (16 to the 4-1 power is 16 to the 3 power).
4096 divided by 16 equals 256. (16 to the 3-1 power is 16 to the 2 power).
256 divided by 16 equals 16. (16 to the 2-1 power is 16 to the 1 power).
16 divided by 16 equals 1. (16 to the 1-1 power is 16 to the 0 power).

では前回の動画で使用したhello worldという文字列をバイト列でメッセージブロックにするとどうなるか見てみましょう。

Now, let's see what happens when the string [hello world] used in the previous video is turned into a message block in bytes.


Use the bytearray method to convert it to an array of bytes so that you can later add one bit to the end using the append method.


Note that this 0x80 is 128 (2**7) in integer and 0b10000000 in binary, this adds one bit to the end of the input message.


As you may have noticed, in binary, we were concerned about the number of zeros after 1 bit, but in hex, we only have to create 1 byte at a time, so we don't have to worry about them. This is also the advantage of handling hexadecimal.

ワイル文の判定で使われている[((len(input_) * 8) + 64) % 512]の部分が大きい入力データへの解決策です。

The [((len(input_) * 8) + 64) % 512] part of the While statement is the solution to large input data.


This divides the input data into multiple message blocks in multiples of 512, leaving 8 bytes (64 bits) of data in bits at the end of the last message block.


To verify this, let's replace more than 512 bits of data with input data.


Let's check it using about 10 mega bytes of input data like this.

このインプットデータのビット数(110000 * 8 = 880000ビット)を8バイト長(64ビット長)でビッグエンディアンでデータの末尾に加えます。

The number of bits (110000 * 8 = 880000 bits) of this input data is added to the end of the data in big endian with a length of 8 bytes (64 bits).


Now, let's store this preprocessed input data in an array every 64 bytes.


The third of the three arguments in the range function of the For statement is the number of steps, and the loop is performed for each number specified here. So this time we loop every 64 bytes.


As you can see, we have an array where each element is a 64 byte message block, as we did in the previous video.


Each message block is then converted to a message schedule as in the previous video.


Let's create a function to create a message schedule.


The byte object must be converted to an integer.


Now let's try out the function we created.


Let's go ahead and complete the sha 256 script.


Hard-code the round constants.


Hard-code the initial hash values.


Let's create the functions for use in the compression loop.


Note that we don't use the NOT operations function we used in Choose function in the previous video.


Because it only modifies the display display. The NOT operation (~) works correctly.


If you only want to modify the display, just specify the bit length and mask it.


Let's use the first message schedule to generate the hash value of the first loop.


This hash value is used in the next compression loop.


We then iterate through all the message schedules to derive the final hash value.


Use the hashlib module as usual to verify that your own sha256 is working correctly.


Let's summarize all the functions and processes.

I omitted the contents of the script because it was too long. See the video for more details.

def create_message_blocks(data):

def create_message_schedule(message_block):

def compression_loop(blocks, round_constants):

def cat_final_hash(H):

def right_rotate(bits, shift_num, size=32):

def sigma0(num):

def sigma1(num):

def SIGMA1(num):

def Ch(x, y, z):

def SIGMA0(num):

def Maj(x, y, z):

round_constants = [
    0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5,
    0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3, 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174,
    0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc, 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da,
    0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7, 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967,
    0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13, 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85,
    0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3, 0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070,
    0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5, 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3,
    0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208, 0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2

import hashlib
message = "hello world" * 1000000
blocks = create_message_blocks(message)
final_hash_values = compression_loop(blocks, round_constants)


hashlib.sha256(message.encode('utf-8')).digest() == final_hash_values
hashlib.sha256(message.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() == final_hash_values.hex()


To accommodate binary data, use the isinstance method to separate processing for string and byte objects.


Let's get the hash value of the image file.


As you can see, my own sha256 Python script is quite slow compared to the hashlib module.


However, through this scripting you may now have a much deeper understanding of how sha256 actually works.


That's all. Thank you for your hard work.