Published Date : 2021年8月15日3:33

015 Pythonでビットコインを学ぶ (シャー256 5)
015 Use python to learn bitcoin (sha256 5)

This blog has an English translation


This is a summary blog post about a video I uploaded to NicoNico.


Please refer to the video for details.


Table of Contents

① 動画の説明
① Video Description


Continued from last time.


Now that we have calculated the initial hash values, let's convert them from hex to a binary array.


Incidentally, in the video to be uploaded later, strings and data such as files are converted to bytes, so 16 notation is used.


This time, I thought that binary strings are easier to understand for bitwise operation, so I only use binary strings temporarily.


The format method is easier to read than the bin method, so I'll use the format method this time.


Now we can convert the initial hash values from hexadecimal strings to an array of binary strings

H = init_hash_values.copy()

bin(int(H[0], 16))
format(int(H[0], 16), '032b')

H = [format(int(h, 16), '032b') for h in H]


These initial hash values are then converted into the final output hash value in a technique called a compression loop.


Let's look at the compression loop algorithm in diagram.


these [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] values are initial hash values, 32 bits each long.


Wt is input data to be hashed, and also called message schedule. [t] is loop count. 32 bits each long.


Kt is Round constant. 32 bits each long. [t] is loop count.


These are looped by the number of elements of the message schedule and round constant (64 for both) in an algorithm called compression. (looped 64 times)


The hash values [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h] are each shuffled anew and used in the next loop, as shown in the diagram.


There are six methods to change the hash value used in the compression algorithm.

Ch(Choose)の式はハッシュe,f,gに対してのビット演算です。(e and f) xor ((not e) and g)

The expression Ch (Choose) is a bitwise operation on hashes e, f, g. (e and f) xor ((not e) and g)

S1(Sigma1)の式はハッシュeに対してのビット演算です。(e right-rotate 6) xor (e right-rotate 11) xor (e right-rotate 25)

The expression S1 (Sigma1) is a bitwise operation on hash e. (e right-rotate 6) xor (e right-rotate 11) xor (e right-rotate 25)

temp1(temporary1)の式はKのt番目とWのt番目とハッシュhとS1とChを足して2の32乗で剰余計算したものです。h + S1 + ch + Kt + Wt

The expression for temp1 (temporary 1) is the sum of the t'th of K and the t'th of W, hash h, S1 and Ch. The summed values are modulo computed by 2 raised to the power of 32. h + S1 + ch + Kt + Wt

Ma(Majority)の式はハッシュa,b,cに対してのビット演算です。(a and b) xor (a and c) xor (b and c)

The expression Ma (Majority) is a bitwise operation on hashes a, b, c. (a and b) xor (a and c) xor (b and c)

S0(Sigma0)の式はハッシュaに対してのビット演算です。(a right-rotate 2) xor (a right-rotate 13) xor (a right-rotate 22)

The expression S0 (Sigma0) is a bitwise operation on hash a. (a right-rotate 2) xor (a right-rotate 13) xor (a right-rotate 22)

temp2(temporary2)の式はS0とMaを足して2の32乗で剰余計算したものです。S0 + Ma

The expression for temp2 (temporary 2) is the sum of S0 and Ma. The summed values are modulo computed by 2 raised to the power of 32. S0 + Ma


These steps are then repeated 64 times to derive the hash value by swapping the hash values.


The Python-like representation of this loop looks like this. The initial hash values, K (round constants) and W (message schedule) are shown in parentheses.


Let's go back to the IPython console screen and get started write a script to better understand the compression algorithm.


Then, let's examine the expression in S1 (Sigma1) line by line.

format(right_rotate(int(H[4], 2), 6, 32), '032b')
format(right_rotate(int(H[4], 2), 11, 32), '032b')
format(right_rotate(int(H[4], 2), 25, 32), '032b')


Let's create a function that combines the expressions in S1 (Sigma1).

def sigma1(e):
    S1 = right_rotate(int(e, 2), 6, 32) \
        ^ right_rotate(int(e, 2), 11, 32) \
        ^ right_rotate(int(e, 2), 25, 32)
    return S1


This formula uses the value of the hash value e. Let's test the result by assigning the fourth element of the array of initial hash values to a variable named e.

e = H[4]


format(sigma1(e), '032b')


Next, let's take the hash values e, f, and g used in the formula for Ch (Choose) as variables.

f = H[5]
g = H[6]


Then, let's examine the expression in Ch (Choose) line by line.

int(e, 2) & int(f, 2)
format(int(e, 2) & int(f, 2), '032b')

print("e      :", e)
print("f      :", f)
print("e and f:", format(int(e, 2) & int(f, 2), '032b'))
e      : 01010001000011100101001001111111
f      : 10011011000001010110100010001100
e and f: 00010001000001000100000000001100


When the NOT operation is performed on the bits, the display becomes negative.

format(~ int(e, 2), '032b')


So for clarity, use a mask to display positive numbers.

def bit_not(bits):
    num_of_bits = len(bits)
    mask = (1 << num_of_bits) - 1
    return mask ^ int(bits, 2)

format(bit_not(e), '032b')

print("e    :", e)
print("not e:", format(bit_not(e), '032b'))

print("not e      :", format(bit_not(e), '032b'))
print("g          :", g)
print("not e and g:", format(bit_not(e) & int(g, 2), '032b'))
not e      : 10101110111100011010110110000000
g          : 00011111100000111101100110101011
not e and g: 00001110100000011000100110000000


Also, see the videos in Parts 2 through 4 of the video series for an explanation of the functions used and NOT operations.


Then, let's summarize the formula for Ch (Choose) as a function.

def choose(e, f, g):
    return (int(e, 2) & int(f, 2)) ^ (bit_not(e) & int(g, 2))

ch = choose(e, f, g)
format(ch, '032b')


As with the previous message scheduling, convert the round constants from hexadecimal notation to a binary notation array.

K = round_constants.copy()

bin(int(K[0], 16))
format(int(K[0], 16), '032b')

K = [format(int(k, 16), '032b') for k in K]


Try the first compression loop using the round constants and the 0 element of the message schedule array.

e, f, g, h = H[4:]

S1 = sigma1(e)
ch = choose(e, f, g)

K0 = K[0]
W0 = W[0] 

def temporary_one(h, S1, ch, Kt, Wt):
    return (int(h, 2) + S1 + ch + int(Kt, 2) + int(Wt, 2)) % (2 ** 32)

temp1 = temporary_one(h, S1, ch, K0, W0)


format(temp1, '032b')


Let's write the remaining compression loop algorithm methods.

def sigma0(a):
    S0 = right_rotate(int(a, 2), 2, 32) \
        ^ right_rotate(int(a, 2), 13, 32) \
        ^ right_rotate(int(a, 2), 22, 32)
    return S0

def majority(a, b, c):
    return (int(a, 2) & int(b, 2)) \
            ^ (int(a, 2) & int(c, 2)) \
            ^ (int(b, 2) & int(c, 2))

def temporary_two(S0, maj):
    return (S0 + maj) % (2 ** 32)

temp1(temporary1)の式はKのt番目とWのt番目とハッシュhとS1とChを足して2の32乗で剰余計算したものです。h + S1 + ch + Kt + Wt

The expression for temp1 (temporary 1) is the sum of the t'th of K and the t'th of W, hash h, S1 and Ch. The summed values are modulo computed by 2 raised to the power of 32. h + S1 + ch + Kt + Wt

S0(Sigma0)の式はハッシュaに対してのビット演算です。(a right-rotate 2) xor (a right-rotate 13) xor (a right-rotate 22)

The expression S0 (Sigma0) is a bitwise operation on hash a. (a right-rotate 2) xor (a right-rotate 13) xor (a right-rotate 22)

Ma(Majority)の式はハッシュa,b,cに対してのビット演算です。(a and b) xor (a and c) xor (b and c)

The expression Ma (Majority) is a bitwise operation on hashes a, b, c. (a and b) xor (a and c) xor (b and c)

temp2(temporary2)の式はS0とMaを足して2の32乗で剰余計算したものです。S0 + Ma

The expression for temp2 (temporary 2) is the sum of S0 and Ma. The summed values are modulo computed by 2 raised to the power of 32. S0 + Ma


Now try the first compression loop using the initial hash values.


All hash values, including the combined temp1 and temp2 hash values from the first loop, are swapped in this way.

a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = H

S1 = sigma1(e)
ch = choose(e, f, g)

K0 = K[0]
W0 = W[0] 

temp1 = temporary_one(h, S1, ch, K0, W0)

S0 = sigma0(a)
maj = majority(a, b, c)
temp2 = temporary_two(S0, maj)

print('h[7] (h) <-', '(g)', g)
print('h[6] (g) <-', '(f)', f)
print('h[5] (f) <-', '(e)', e)
print('h[4] (e) <-', '(d + temp1)', format((int(d, 2) + temp1) % (2 ** 32), '032b'))
print('h[3] (d) <-', '(c)', c)
print('h[2] (c) <-', '(b)', b)
print('h[1] (b) <-', '(a)', a)
print('h[0] (a) <-', '(temp1 + temp2)', format((temp1 + temp2) % (2 ** 32), '032b'))


This is repeated 63 more times, so you can see why the final hash value is hard to predict.


Let's turn the compression loop into a function.


Let's examine the contents of each variable and constant.


Compare the contents of the initial and final hash values.


All that remains is to add the initial hash values and the final hash values together.


Of course, you need to apply remainder calculation of 2 raised to the power of 32 to those values to get 32 bits.


As always, let's summarize the above as a function.


Let's test that the value is correct using the sha256 method in the hashlib module of the python built-in module.


Let's summarize all of this into multiple functions.


Try typing different strings.


It was successful, but what if the input string exceeds 512 bits?


This time it does not support strings longer than 512 bits, so of course the test will fail.


Let's check the contents of W (message schedule).


The solution is to create multiple message blocks and a W (message schedule).


Now, let's assume that you've loaded an image file or something, and see what happens with binary data instead of strings.


Thus, binary data is not supported, so of course the test will fail.


That's all. Thank you for your hard work.