Published Date : 2020年12月8日11:18
YouTubeにアップした動画、「【日本語解説】4/5 給与所得者の所得税と住民税を計算するWEBアプリを作ろう」の補足説明の記事です。
Here's a little more about the 「【Python】4/5 Create a web app that calculates income and resident taxes for salaried workers」 video I uploaded to YouTube.
I thought it would be better to separate the video into English audio and Japanese audio instead of adding subtitles to the video, so I uploaded the same video with Japanese and English audio separately.
There is a Japanese explanation video at the top of the page, and an English explanation video link at the end of the page.
Table of Contents
The tool I'm going to show you for calculating income and residence taxes for salaried workers is just a simple tool for playing.
Please check the exact number and calculation method by yourself.
This tool is used to calculate rough estimates and enjoy them.
Do not use for year-end adjustment of employees or for individual tax return.
In addition, the method of calculating taxes and deductions may change.
Also, there is a possibility that the deduction and tax calculation methods are incorrect.
Don't trust it too much, and test it yourself.
I will not be liable for any damage caused by using this tool.
Let's finish the web application.
We will add processing for all input forms to the JS file for tax calculation.
省略 var inputValues = JSON.stringify({ "inputSalary": $('#input-salary').val(), "inputSid": $('#input-sid').val(), "A": $('#A').val(), "B": $('#B').val(), "C": $('#C').val(), "D": $('#D').val(), "tempIncome": $('#tempIncome').val(), "Expenses": $('#Expenses').val(), "F": $('#F').val(), "G": $('#G').val(), "H": $('#H').val(), "I": $('#I').val(), "J": $('#J').val(), "K": $('#K').val(), "L": $('#L').val(), "M": $('#M').val(), "N": $('#N').val(), "O": $('#O').val() }); 省略
It takes the value from the input form for entering the amount of the income deduction and sends the data in JSON format to the Flask function via POST.
省略 try: 雑損控除 = int(request.json['A']) if 雑損控除 < 0: 雑損控除 = 0 except: 雑損控除 = 0 try: 医療費控除 = int(request.json['B']) if 医療費控除 < 0: 医療費控除 = 0 except: 医療費控除 = 0 try: 小規模企業共済等掛金控除 = int(request.json['C']) if 小規模企業共済等掛金控除 < 0: 小規模企業共済等掛金控除 = 0 except: 小規模企業共済等掛金控除 = 0 try: ひとり親控除 = int(request.json['D']) if ひとり親控除 < 0: ひとり親控除 = 0 except: ひとり親控除 = 0 # calculate temporary income deduction try: 一時所得収入 = int(request.json['tempIncome']) if 一時所得収入 < 0: 一時所得収入 = 0 except: 一時所得収入 = 0 try: 一時所得経費 = int(request.json['Expenses']) if 一時所得経費 < 0: 一時所得経費 = 0 except: 一時所得経費 = 0 省略
We will add necessary items to the HTML side.
省略 <tr> <td> <h5 class="text-left"><b>各種控除</b></h5> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="align-middle text-success">基礎控除_所得税(円)</td> <td><input type="text" readonly class="form-control text-danger" id="basic-deduction-income" value="0"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="align-middle text-info">基礎控除_住民税(円)</td> <td><input type="text" readonly class="form-control text-danger" id="basic-deduction-resident" value="0"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="align-middle"><b>社会保険料控除</b>(円)</td> <td><input type="number" class="form-control" data-target="input-values" id="input-sid" placeholder="0" min="0" max="10000000000"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="align-middle text-success">社会保険料控除_所得税(円)</td> <td><input type="text" readonly class="form-control text-danger" id="social-insurance-deduction-I" value="0"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="align-middle text-info">社会保険料控除_住民税(円)</td> <td><input type="text" readonly class="form-control text-danger" id="social-insurance-deduction-R" value="0"> </td> </tr> <!-- --> <tr> <td class="align-middle"><b>雑損控除</b>(円)</td> <td><input type="number" class="form-control" data-target="input-values" id="A" placeholder="0" min="0" max="10000000000"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="align-middle text-success" id="td1-A-I">雑損控除_所得税(円)</td> <td id="td2-A-I"><input type="text" readonly class="form-control text-danger" id="A-I" value="0"> </td> </tr> 省略
It also adds a button to reset the values in the input form.
省略 <div class="container text-center p-4"> <button class="btn btn-danger" id="reset-button">リセット!</button> </div> 省略
We will add the necessary processing to the Python class files as well.
省略 class TaxCalc(ResidentTax): def __init__(self, 給与収入): super().__init__(給与収入) # Then, find out your take-home pay (Average value. If there is a bonus, it will be less...) def take_home_pay(self): 社保所得住民税支払合計 = int(self.所得税_復興特別税) + int(self.住民税) + int(self.社会保険料控除) 総収入 = int(self.給与収入 + self.一時所得金額) 年手取り = int(総収入 - self.各種控除支払い分合計 - 社保所得住民税支払合計) return { '年収': f'{総収入:,}', '支払所得控除額合計': f'{int(self.各種控除支払い分合計):,}', '社保所得住民税支払合計': f'{int(社保所得住民税支払合計):,}', '手取年収': f'{int(年手取り):,}', '平均手取月収': f'{int(年手取り/12):,}', }
We will also complete the main file for the application.
We add functions to take the input value, process it appropriately, and pass it to the class file.
給与所得者税金計算/ scripts/ static/ js/ calculateSiAjax.js calculateTaxAjax.js templates/ application.html index.html 保険料表.csv
Let's see if it works properly.
Please enter various amounts and play with it.
Next time, let's upload this WEB application to HEROKU and see if it works.
That's all. Thank you for your hard work.