Published Date : 2020年5月25日12:28

Part 2 - Djangoを使って簡単なオンラインショップを作ってみよう
Part 2 - Create a Simple Online Shop with Django

This blog has an English translation

YouTubeにアップした動画、「【Django】Part 2 - Create a Simple Online Shop with Django:Djangoを使って簡単なオンラインショップを作ってみよう」の補足説明の記事です。

Here's a little more about the 「【Django】Part 2 - Create a Simple Online Shop with Django:Djangoを使って簡単なオンラインショップを作ってみよう」 video I uploaded to YouTube.

Djangoを使って簡単なログイン機能を持ったオンラインショップのようなサイトを作ってみましょう。 Part2となる今回の動画シリーズでは、Djangoのモデルとヴューとテンプレートと管理者画面を用いて、ブラウザにデータベースの中身と簡単な見出しを表示させてみよう。

Use Django to create a site that looks like an online store with a simple login feature. In this video series, Part 2, we'll use Django's model, view, template, and admin screens to display the contents of the database and a simple headline in the browser.


It's a video that can be understood in a short period of time even when you're busy, without any unnecessary explanation.


Table of Contents

① urlsとviewsを使いブラウザにサイトの内容を表示させる
① Display the contents of the site in the browser using urls and views

[(あなたのプロジェクト)/]を開いて[urlpatterns]に[path('', include('demoshop.urls'))]を追加します。

Open [(Your Project)/] and add [path('', include('demoshop.urls'))] to [urlpatterns].

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補足説明:[path('', include('demoshop.urls'))]はURLの末尾に何も指定が無かった時、つまり['']でアクセスされた時に、[include('demoshop.urls')]を使って[demoshopの]にURLの指定があるかどうかを見ている。





Note: [path ('', include('demoshop.urls'))] uses [include('demoshop.urls')] to see if there is a URL specified in [ of demoshop] when there is no specification at the end of the URL, that is, when accessed with [''].

This system is called dispatching, which is a term often used at japanese factories, Dispatching includes the meaning of "send out something". In the case of Django, it's "url".

First, [] of the project is made to process up to " example, a word for a URL that represents an application)".

Then use the include() method to "dispatching" up to [] in [] of "Apps". Then let [] of the app specify the URL beyond "" and let "app/(For example, the name of a function in an application)" handle the detailed functions provided by the app.

In this way, projects can be commanded on an app-by-app basis, and apps can be commanded on an app-by-function basis. The advantage is that the display on the programming side is easy to understand and manage.

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Right-click [demoshop (Your app)] and select [Create a new file] to create a [].

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Import [path] and [include] from [django.urls], import [views] from [.] representing the same hierarchy, that is, import [] in the same hierarchy as [app's].

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path('URLのパターン', (views.pyにある関数名), name='URLパターンに付ける名前')

path('URL Pattern', (name of the function in, name='Name for URL Pattern')

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supplementary explanation:The reason for setting "Name to assign to URL pattern" is, in short, It will be easier to fix if the URL changes in the future.

And when combined with the 「app_name='namespace specified by the app's urlspy'」, it's easier to manage.

For example, these "app_name" and "name" are mostly used in HTML.

If you write the URL directly into the form in the HTML below, you will have to fix everything if the URL changes later.

But if you set "app_name" and "name", you only need to rename "app_name and name of the app".



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <form action="{% url 'demoshop:posttest' %}" method="post">
        {% csrf_token %}
        <label for="you_say">You said </label>
        <input name="YouSay" id="you_say" value="{{ you_say }}">
        <label for="i_say">And I say </label>
        <input name="ISay" id="i_say" value="{{ i_say }}">
    <p>you said {{ you_say }} and i say {{ i_say }}</p>

上の「action="{% url 'demoshop:posttest' %}"」の「demoshop:」の部分が「app_name」で、「:posttest」の部分が「name」です。

The 「demoshop:」 part of 「action="{% url 'demoshop:posttest' %}"」 above is "app_name" and the 「:posttest」 part is "name".


from django.urls import path, include
from . import views

app_name = 'demoshop'

urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.index, name='index'),
    # post test
    path('post_test', views.post_test, name='posttest'),


from django.shortcuts import render

def post_test(request):

    context = {
        'you_say': request.POST.get('YouSay', ''),
        'i_say': request.POST.get('ISay', ''),

    return render(request, 'demoshop/posttest.html', context) 

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Let's change the URL.


from django.urls import path, include
from . import views

app_name = 'demoshop'

urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.index, name='index'),
    # post test
    path(--->'post_form', views.post_test, name='posttest'),

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This time the URL was only specified in one place in the HTML, so it doesn't seem to make much sense, but if there is more than one ......

<form action="{% url 'demoshop:posttest' %}" method="post">
<form action="{% url 'demoshop:posttest' %}" method="post">
<form action="{% url 'demoshop:posttest' %}" method="post">
<form action="{% url 'demoshop:posttest' %}" method="post">
<form action="{% url 'demoshop:posttest' %}" method="post">
<form action="{% url 'demoshop:posttest' %}" method="post">


Moreover, if various URLs are scattered ...

<form action="{% url 'demoshop3:gettest3' %}" method="get">
<form action="{% url 'demoshop2:posttest7' %}" method="post">
<form action="{% url 'demoshop:gettest9' %}" method="get">
<form action="{% url 'demoshop4:getttest2' %}" method="get">
<form action="{% url 'demoshop6:posttest' %}" method="post">
<form action="{% url 'demoshop9:posttest6' %}" method="post">


Such cases are usually rare. But now you know the convenience of specifying "app_name" or "name".


Let's get back to the main subject. Next, change the contents of「demoshop/」.

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A function called [get_items] is provided. The function uses the Item model to retrieve data stored in the database and display them.

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Explanation: The request is passed as an argument to the function. [get_items() function] is written to do the corresponding processing if the request is a GET method.

When we open a browser and try to access the site by searching at the specified URL, the server recognizes that "I got a request from the outside." and then it determines what the request method is.

Basically, if you just type in a URL and access it, the method becomes "GET". The POST method is used to send data from the user to the server.

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[item = Item.objects.all()[0]]はデータベースに登録したデータを全て取り出し、一番目にあるデータを取得して[item]に渡すという意味です。Pythonリストの中身が辞書になっているのを想像してください。

後は[HttpResponse()]を使ってタイトルと値段をブラウザに表示させます。[f'{item.title} : {int(item.price):,}円']は値段を整数に直して、三桁ごとにカンマで区切るようにしています。

[item = Item.objects.all()[0]] means to fetch all the data in the database, fetch the first data, and pass it to [item]. Imagine the contents of a Python list being a dictionary.

Then use [HttpResponse()] to display the title and price in the browser. For the contents of [f'{item.title} : {int(item.price):,}円'], I changed the price to an integer and separated each three digits with a comma.

補足:[HttpResponse()]はステータスコードとヘッダー部分、それと上のスクリプトでいう[f'{item.title} : {int(item.price):,}円']の部分をボディ(HTML形式)として変換して、それらをセットにしてHTTPレスポンスとしてリクエストが送られたブラウザに返して上げています。

supplementary explanation:[HttpResponse()] converts the status code, the header part, and the [f'{item.title} : {int(item.price):,}円'] part of the script above into a body (HTML format) and sends them back as a set to the requesting browser in an HTTP response.

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Also describe the processing of the default screen [screen when no url is specified].

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Then, We will set the URL with [ of the application], and We will assign the [ (What the app does)] to each URL.

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② テンプレートを使いブラウザにサイトの内容を表示させる
② use a template to display the contents of a site in the browser


Let's use a Django template to handle Python variables in HTML.


Create a folder called [templates] in [demoshop].

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Create a [index.html] and a [items.html] in [demoshop/templates/demoshop].

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それでは[index.html]の中身から書いていきます。[{{  }}]で囲われた部分にPython変数を渡してあげると、HTMLとして扱われるようにできます。

We'll start with the contents of [index.html]. You can pass Python variables to the section enclosed in [{{  }}] to be treated as HTML.

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Open [demoshop/] again and switch to [render() method]. Pass the path to the template's HTML file [demoshop/index.html] as the second argument and [Python variables] as the third argument [dictionary form].

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You might think the file path to HTML is [templates/demoshop/index.html]. To omit the path to the HTML file, you need to add [os.path.join('demoshop','templates')] to [DIRS] in [TEMPLATES] of [demo/].

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Let's see how it works.

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今度は「items.html」の中身を見てみましょう。[{% for item in items %}]と[{% endfor %}]でPythonのFor文が再現できます。あとは先ほど同様[{{  }}]で囲われた部分に[item.title]等記載してやればHTMLのリスト表示も一回書くだけで大量のリストが作成できます。(今の段階ではまだ一つだけですが)

Now let's take a look at what's inside the [items.html]. You can reproduce the Python For statement in [{% for item in items %}] and [{% endfor %}]. Then, if you write [item.title] and so on in the part surrounded by [{{  }}] as before, you can make a large list with just one writing of HTML list display. (So far, there's only one.)

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Now let's modify the content of [get_items()]. [index()] Similarly, render() passes the path to the template as the second argument, and a dictionary as the third argument. The part that ['items'] recognizes in HTML, the variable name that [item] defines in this [get_items()]. Because [Item.objects.all()] uses the For statement in the HTML, you pass it as a list to the variable.

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Let's see how it works.

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Let's make the product name with URL link.

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③ Djangoシェルを使いデータベースにデータを登録、管理者画面からもできるようにする
③ Using the Django shell to register data in the database and make it possible to do so from the administrator screen as well


Let's register more data in the database. First, I'll show you how to register using the Django shell.

[Item]クラスに定義した二つの「タイトル」と「値段」に新しい値を入れて[item]オブジェクトを作成します。その後[]を使えばモデルに新しいデータが登録されます。Djangoモデルとデータベース(デフォルトはSQLite Database)は最初に紐づけをしたので、データベースにも変更は反映されています。

Create a [item] object with new values for the two "Title" and "price" defined in class [Item]. Then use [ ()] to register new data in the model. The Django model and the database (The default is SQLite Database.) were first linked, so the changes are reflected in the database.

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Let's see if the database has been updated through the Django model.

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Normally, Japanese yen does not deal with decimal points, so let's use the filter function of the template. Enter [floatformat:0], separating the variables with [|].

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The filter function of the template also enables you to separate the price into 3 digits, so let's try it. Add [django.contrib.humanize] to [INSTALLED_APPS] in [].

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[templates/demoshop/items.html]の[body tag]に[load_humanize]を加えてください。

Add [load_humanize] to [body tag] in [templates/demoshop/items.html].

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[]に[NUMBER_GROUPING = 3]を加えてください。

Add [NUMBER_GROUPING = 3] in [].

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Change the [items.html] template filter to [item.price|floatformat|intcomma].

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Let's make it possible to add data to the database from the administrator screen.


Open up [demoshop/] and write [].

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You can now manipulate the model and register it in the database on the Administrator screen.

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Let's change the existing data.

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If you want to change one of these, click the link.

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Anyway, Let's go back and add some data.

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Let's save the registration and continue to register new data.

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Save the registration and finish.

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Confirm that the data has been registered.

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The name of the stored data is difficult to understand, so we will display the title of the data.


Open [demoshop/] and add the following script.

def __str__(self):
    return self.title

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The name of the displayed data has changed.

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Let's change the display of singular and plural of the item name.

class Meta:
    verbose_name = "商品"
    verbose_name_plural = "点"

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That's all. Thank you for your hard work. Next time we'll use Bootstrap to get our site looking good.

See You Next Page!