Published Date : 2020年5月11日13:48

How to Display Apps in an Android Emulator

This blog has an English translation

YouTubeにアップした動画、「【Androidエミュレーター】How to Display Apps in an Android Emulator in Android Studio」の補足説明の記事です。

Here's a little more about the 「【Androidエミュレーター】How to Display Apps in an Android Emulator in Android Studio」 video I uploaded to YouTube.

「Android Studio」でAndroidエミュレーターを起動させ、アプリの動作を確認しよう。

Let's Start up the Android emulator with "Android Studio" and see how the app works.


It's a video that can be understood in a short period of time even when you're busy, without any unnecessary explanation.


Table of Contents

Android Studioで新規プロジェクトの作成
Creating a New Project in Android Studio


First, create a new folder in the appropriate location to help you locate the project folder.

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Android Studioを起動させます。

Start Android Studio.

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Android Studioを起動したら、新規プロジェクトを作成します。

Start Android Studio and create a new project.

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Empty Activityを選択してNextをクリック。

Select Empty Activity and click Next.

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Name -> Package name -> Save location -> Language -> Minimum SDKを設定してFinishをクリック。Minimum SDKのAPIを低く設定すると、開発したアプリを動かせるAndroidデバイスの比率が分かる。今回はAPI15でおよそ100%となるように設定しました。

Set Name -> Package name -> Save location -> Language -> Minimum SDK and click Finish. Setting the Minimum SDK API low tells you the percentage of Android devices that can run your app. This time we set it to about 100% in API 15.

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To set the app layout, double-click 「activity_main.xml」 to open it.

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Switch the View mode of [activity_main.xml] to [Design] mode.

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[Constraint Widget]で左右上下のマージンを変えることでテキストの位置を変えることができます。

You can change the position of the text by changing the left, right, top, and bottom margins with [Constraint Widget].

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You can also modify the text.

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You can also change the font size.

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Basic information such as the configuration of the created application is written in 「AndroidManifest.xml」.

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In a nutshell, [] is a file that tells [Screen of the displayed application] what to do.


[setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);] is displaying the contents of [activity_main.xml] that we edited earlier on the screen.

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[activity_main.xml]を開き、[Code] modeに変更します。

Open [activity_main.xml] and change to [Code] mode.

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You can check the contents of [activity_main.xml] that you edited the text and font size earlier.

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Download and run the Android emulator


If you try to start the application without downloading the emulator, "No device" will be displayed. So you should open AVD Manager and download the emulator.

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好きなデバイスをダウンロードしましょう。自分はデフォルトで選択されていたPixel 2にしました。

Download your favorite device. I chose the Pixel 2, which was selected by default.

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Then select and download the system image. I recommend you to choose the version of Android you have.


If you don't have Android, download the latest version. You can change it as much as you want later, so don't worry.

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You can also make detailed settings and how to display the device. The default is sufficient, so I'll just complete the setup.

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Once setup is complete, select the device and click the ▷ button to start the emulator.

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エミュレーターを起動したら、見えやすい位置に移動させて、「Android Studio」にある「▷」ボタンをクリックしてアプリをエミュレーターで動かしてみましょう。

Once you start up the emulator, move it to a place where you can easily see it and click on the [▷] button at [Android Studio] to run the app on the emulator.

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エミュレーターの画面に「new」というアプリ名で「Hello Android Studio!」と表示されれば成功です。

If [Hello Android Studio!] appears on the emulator screen with the app name [new] it's a success.

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That's all. Thank you for your hard work.

See You Next Page!