Published Date : 2019年12月25日22:57

p5.jsとnumjs - カウントベース手法
p5.js and numjs - Count Based

This blog has an English translation


In this article, I'll try a count-based in natural language processing using p5.js and numjs.

もちろん、P5はJavascriptで作られているので、P5内でJavascriptそのものが使えます。 なので、基本P5で書いていきますが、P5では難しい文字列処理等はJavascriptでそのまま書いていきます。

Of course, p5.js is written in Javascript, so you can use it directly in p5.js. I usually write code in p5.js, but there many things that are difficult to process in p5.js (String operations, etc.), so if I encounter such a situation, I write code directly in Javascript.


Table of Contents



Here's a quick overview.

まずこの記事の趣旨は、 NumjsというNumpy(Python)のJavascriptヴァージョンを使用して、 ML.js等のライブラリを使わずにできるだけ1から自然言語処理の仕組みを理解することです。

First of all, the purpose of this blog post is use Numjs that a Javascript version of Python's Numpy, to understand how natural language processing works, without using libraries like ML.js.


If you use a library for machine learning, things go easy, but I think if you know how the details of how machine learning works, you can apply it to many things.


Last time we discussed simple string operations. This time, I'll use numjs to create a co-occurrence matrix.

co-occurrence matrix


Let's start with the previous p5 script.


Please save as "preprocess.js"

function preprocess(sentence){

    let splitedSentences = [];

    // It works the same as "for ~ in ~" in Python (for value in array)
    sentence.forEach(function( value ) {
        splitedSentences.push(value.toLowerCase().split(/[^’.\w]+/g).join(' ').replace('.',' .'));

    splitedSentences = splitedSentences.join(' ').split(/[^’.\w]+/g);
    splitedSentences = subset(splitedSentences, 0, -1);

    let word2Id = {};
    let id2Word = {};

    // It works the same as "enumerate" in Python (for idx,element in enumerate(array))
    splitedSentences.forEach(function( word ) {
        if (!(word in word2Id)) {
            let newId = Object.keys(word2Id).length;
            word2Id[word] = newId;
            id2Word[newId] = word;

    let corpus = [];

    // It works the same as "for ~ in ~" in Python (for value in array)
    splitedSentences.forEach(function( value ) {

    // numjs courpus
    let numcorpus = nj.array(corpus);

    return [numcorpus,word2Id,id2Word];


It takes a sentence as an argument, changes the corpus to ndarray of numjs, and returns the result of the function as a list.


Then let's prepare the necessary environment.

working folder
your working directory
    -- assets
        -- sixLittleMice.txt
    -- nlpExample.html
    -- nlpExample.js
    -- utils
        -- preprocess.js 


Save "Six little mice sat down to spin" as a text file in the "assets" folder.

Six little mice sat down to spin,
Pussy cat passed and she peeped in.
What are you doing, my little men?
Weaving coats for gentlemen.
Shall I come in and cut off your threads?
No, no, pussy cat, you’d bite off our heads!
Oh, no, I’ll not, I’ll help you spin.
That may be so, but you don’t come in.


Next, create an HTML file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <!-- p5.js cdn -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- numjs cdn -->
    <script src="[email protected]/dist/numjs.min.js"></script>
    <!-- utils -->
    <script src="../../utils/preprocess.js"></script>
    <!-- sketch -->
    <script src="nlpExample.js"></script>


Create the main JS file.

let result;

function preload(){
    result = loadStrings("./assets/sixLittleMice.txt");

let word2Id;
let id2Word;
let corpus;

let arrOfResults;
let bocabSize;

function setup(){
    arrOfResults = preprocess(result);

    corpus = arrOfResults[0];
    word2Id = arrOfResults[1];
    id2Word = arrOfResults[2];
    print("result: ", result);

    print("corpus: ", corpus.toString());
    print("word to id: ", word2Id);
    print("id to word: ", id2Word);

    bocabSize = Object.keys(word2Id).length;


ここまでの結果は前回と同様です。 変更点はテキストファイルを読み込む際に、自動的に改行で分割されて、 リスト化されてしまっているので、文章の一行ずつ処理をしなければなりません。

The results so far are the same as before. But there are some changes. When you import a text file, it automatically becomes a list separated by newlines, so you must process each line of text.

sentence.forEach(function( value ) {
    splitedSentences.push(value.toLowerCase().split(/[^’.\w]+/g).join(' ').replace('.',' .'));


Let's make a co-occurrence matrix.

function buildCoOccurrenceMatrix(corpus, vocabSize, windowSize = 1){
    corpusSize = corpus.shape[0];
    coOccurrenceMatrix = nj.zeros([vocabSize, vocabSize], 'int32');

    for (let [idx, wordId] of corpus.tolist().entries()) {

        let leftNum = 0
        let rightNum = 0
        for (let i = 1; i < windowSize + 1; i++) {
            let leftIdx = idx - 1;
            let rightIdx = idx + 1;

            if (leftIdx >= 0) {
                let leftWordId = corpus.get(leftIdx);
                leftNum += 1;
                coOccurrenceMatrix.set(wordId, leftWordId, leftNum);
            if (rightIdx < corpusSize) {
                let rightWordId = corpus.get(rightIdx);
                rightNum += 1;
                coOccurrenceMatrix.set(wordId, rightWordId, rightNum);

    return coOccurrenceMatrix;


A co-occurrence matrix is a vectors that represents the number of occurrences of words that are counted around a word.

Responsive image

coOccurrenceMatrix = nj.zeros([vocabSize, vocabSize], 'int32');


First, make a zero matrix by the the vocabulary of words.

for (let i = 1; i < windowSize + 1; i++) {
      let leftIdx = idx - 1;
      let rightIdx = idx + 1;


A window size of 1 searches for adjacent words.

if (leftIdx >= 0) {
    let leftWordId = corpus.get(leftIdx);
    leftNum += 1;
    coOccurrenceMatrix.set(wordId, leftWordId, leftNum);
if (rightIdx < corpusSize) {
    let rightWordId = corpus.get(rightIdx);
    rightNum += 1;
    coOccurrenceMatrix.set(wordId, rightWordId, rightNum);

調べる単語が一番左端側なら、右側のみカウントします。 同じく一番右端なら左側をカウントします。 そうでないなら、単語の両端をカウントしていきます。

If the word is on the far left, count only the right side. If it is the rightmost, count only the left side. Otherwise, count both ends of the word.


The result is as follows.

coOccurrenceMatrix array([[ 0, 1, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0],
[ 1, 0, 1, ..., 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 1, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 1],
[ 0, 0, 1, ..., 0, 1, 0]], dtype=int32)

See You Next Page!