Published Date : 2020年4月15日11:41

【How to】Windows Task Scheduler : Python : Slack : Google Sheets【Automation : 作業自動化 Part 4】

This blog has an English translation

YouTubeにアップした動画、「【learn quickly】【素早く学ぶ】Part 4 - Automation using the Windows Task Scheduler : Windowsタスクスケジューラーでの自動化【作業自動化】 」の補足説明の記事です。

Here's a little more about the "【learn quickly】【素早く学ぶ】Part 4 - Automation using the Windows Task Scheduler : Windowsタスクスケジューラーでの自動化【作業自動化】 " video I uploaded to YouTube.




Slack, the chat tool, and Google Spreadsheets,

the service that lets you edit spreadsheets anywhere on the web.

Automating these tools using Python will improve your efficiency.


I'll leave the entire explanation to the video, but I'll explain the parts that I think need to be supplemented.


The contents of the series Part 4 are as follows.

1: Part3で作成した①と②のスクリプトを統合する。③のスクリプトを単独で動かせるようにする。つまり朝の報告と夕方の報告の二つのスクリプトを用意する。

1: Integrate the scripts ① and ② created in Part3. To independently run a script ③. So you have two scripts, In other words, one for the morning report and one for the evening report.

2: そして、タスクスケジューラーで時間を設定して二つのスクリプトを自動で起動させます。

2: Then set the time in the task scheduler to automatically start the two scripts.


Table of Contents

① Part3で作成した①と②のスクリプトを統合する
① Integrate the scripts ① and ② created in Part3


まずは作業用フォルダを作って、VS Codeからそのフォルダを開きます。

Now let's integrate the script we created last time and split it into two parts (For morning and evening reports).

First, create a working folder and open it from VS Code.

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Here's the morning report script.

import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
import pandas as pd
from gspread_formatting import *

import requests
import json
# line 9
from datetime import datetime as dt

scope = ['',

credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('credentials.json', scope)
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
workbook = gc.open_by_key('google sheets key')
wks = workbook.get_worksheet(0)

wks_records = wks.get_all_records()
columns = list(wks_records[0].keys())
rows = [list(record.values()) for record in wks_records]
df = pd.DataFrame(rows,columns=columns)

unpublished = df[df['ステータス']=='未掲載']
todo_columns = ['管理ID','ステータス','終了日','会社名','電話番号','物件名','住所']
unpublished_list = unpublished[todo_columns].to_dict(orient='records')
# line 28
_today = dt.strftime(,'%Y/%m/%d')

send_to_slack = f'本日({_today})のTODOリストDESU。\n'
for i,d in enumerate(unpublished_list):
    send_to_slack = send_to_slack + f'\n{i+1}件目\n'
    send_to_slack = send_to_slack + '-'*30 +'\n'
    for k,v in d.items():
        send_to_slack = send_to_slack + f'{k} : {v}\n'
    send_to_slack = send_to_slack + '-'*30+'\n'
send_to_slack = send_to_slack +  f'\n本日の確認物件は計{len(unpublished_list)}件DESU!'

url = "", 
            {"text": send_to_slack, 
            "username": 'username', 
            "icon_emoji": ":python:"}))

worksheet2 = workbook.add_worksheet(title="Today's Task Sheet", rows=len(unpublished.index), cols=len(unpublished.columns))


b = Border('SOLID', Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
fmt = cellFormat(
    backgroundColor=color(0.20, 0.11, 0.46),
    textFormat=textFormat(foregroundColor=color(1, 1, 1)),
bfmt = cellFormat(borders=Borders(top=b,bottom=b,left=b,right=b))
format_cell_range(worksheet2, 'A1:G1', fmt)
format_cell_range(worksheet2, 'A1:G50', bfmt)
# line 61
cell_range = worksheet2.range(f'A2:G{worksheet2.row_count+1}')
flattened_unpublished_list_data = []

for row in unpublished_list:
    for column in todo_columns:

for i, cell in enumerate(cell_range):
    cell.value = flattened_unpublished_list_data[i]



I'll just explain the new additions from the previous script.

# line 9
from datetime import datetime as dt


Line 9 uses [alias] to call the [date and time] module.

# line 28
_today = dt.strftime(,'%Y/%m/%d')


Use [today() method] to get today's date and use [strftime() method] to output the [datetime object] passed in the first argument as a string in the format specified in the second argument.

# line 61
cell_range = worksheet2.range(f'A2:G{worksheet2.row_count+1}')


I think the number of rows in a new worksheet will change every time, so I'll let it adjust automatically.


A simple flow of [] is shown in the following diagram.

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Here's the evening report script.

import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
import pandas as pd
from gspread_formatting import *

import requests
import json

from datetime import datetime as dt

scope = ['',

credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('credentials.json', scope)
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
workbook = gc.open_by_key('google sheets key')

worksheet1 = workbook.get_worksheet(0)

worksheet2 = workbook.get_worksheet(1)
worksheet2_records = worksheet2.get_all_records()

fmt = cellFormat(
    backgroundColor=color(.3, .3, .3),

columns2 = list(worksheet2_records[0].keys())
rows2 = [list(record.values()) for record in worksheet2_records]
df2 = pd.DataFrame(rows2,columns=columns2)

not_available2 = df2[(df2['ステータス']=='掲載不可') | (df2['ステータス']=='掲載済み')].index.values

for na2 in not_available2:
    format_cell_range(worksheet2, f'A{na2+2}:R{na2+2}', fmt)

todo_columns = ['管理ID','ステータス','終了日','会社名','電話番号','物件名','住所']
confirmed_list = df2[(df2['ステータス']=='掲載不可') | (df2['ステータス']=='掲載済み')][todo_columns].to_dict(orient='records')

_today = dt.strftime(,'%Y/%m/%d')

send_to_slack_comp = f'本日({_today})の成果ですYO。\n'
for i,d in enumerate(confirmed_list):
    send_to_slack_comp = send_to_slack_comp + f'\n{i+1}件目\n'
    send_to_slack_comp = send_to_slack_comp + '-'*30 +'\n'
    for k,v in d.items():
        send_to_slack_comp = send_to_slack_comp + f'{k} : {v}\n'
    send_to_slack_comp = send_to_slack_comp + '-'*30+'\n'
send_to_slack_comp = send_to_slack_comp +  f'\n本日掲載できた物件と掲載不可の物件は計{len(confirmed_list)}件だYO! チェケラッチョ!!'

url = "", 
            {"text": send_to_slack_comp, 
            "username": 'username', 
            "icon_emoji": ":python:"}))

workbook.duplicate_sheet(source_sheet_id =, new_sheet_name = f"The rest of yesterday({_today}) sheet")


The [] script just added three lines to the [] script and changed the status conditions slightly.


I will explain only the part that I added.

workbook.duplicate_sheet(source_sheet_id =, new_sheet_name = f"The rest of yesterday({_today}) sheet")


I will duplicate the sheet for tomorrow morning's report.



Delete the old worksheet.

② Windowsタスクスケジューラーで二つのスクリプトを起動させる
② Run two scripts in the Windows task scheduler



Once you've created a script, you can finally use the task scheduler

to post it to Slack at a fixed time every day for automation.

Windows Task Scheduler Configuration

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Do the same for the [evening report] script.

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以上です。macで自動化したいなら、teminalから「crontab -e」等で設定してください。




That's all. If you want to automate with mac, enter [crontab -e] from the terminal and set.

If you want to automatically post even when your PC is turned off or not connected to the Internet,

you can use cloud services like Heroku.

For more on setting up Heroku, check out my previous post (

See You Next Page!