Published Date : 2019年9月27日18:25
Continued from previous article. We'll quickly finish the same thing in Python. And I will add extra.
import pandas as pd url = "!%E3%83%97%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B8%E3%82%A7%E3%82%AF%E3%83%88" tables = pd.read_html(url) members_color_table = tables[3] members_color_table.to_csv("members_color_table.csv",index=False)
Output results are shown below.
Easy, thanks Pandas!
As the title says. Make it a JSON file for ease of use. It is also formatted in JSON format for easy viewing.
import re import json header = members_color_table.columns color_table = members_color_table.iloc[:,0] extract_color = re.compile(r'(?<=\()\w+(?=\))') extract_member = re.compile(r'\w+(?=\()') groups = [members_color_table[header[i]] for i in range(1, len(header))] color_palete = pd.read_html("") color_schema = {} for cp in color_palete: for i, c in enumerate(cp[('色名', '色名')]): r = cp.loc[i, ('sRGB', 'R')] g = cp.loc[i, ('sRGB', 'G')] b = cp.loc[i, ('sRGB', 'B')] color_schema[c] = f"#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}" mc_dict = {} for g in groups: mc_dict[] = {} for idx,member in enumerate(g): mc_dict[][color_table[idx]] = {} try: ziped = zip(extract_member.findall(member),extract_color.findall(member)) tempdict = dict(ziped) for key, value in tempdict.items(): for k, v in color_schema.items(): try: if value == k: tempdict[key] = [value, v] break except: pass mc_dict[][color_table[idx]] = tempdict except: mc_dict[][color_table[idx]] = {'':['','']} with open("members_color_table.json","w") as f: json.dump(mc_dict, f, ensure_ascii=False)
header = members_color_table.columns
Accessing a data-frame as columns gives the column name.
color_table = members_color_table.iloc[:,0]
You can retrieve the value specified by iloc [Row number (Can also be specified as an array), column number (Can also be specified as an array)]. In this case, all types of "Column Name: Color Lineage" are taken out.
extract_color = re.compile(r'(?<=\()\w+(?=\))') extract_member = re.compile(r'\w+(?=\()')
Prepare to separate the member's name from its color using regular expressions.
groups = [members_color_table[header[i]] for i in range(1, len(header))]
Group members by color system of their colors.
color_palete = pd.read_html("")
Prepare to create a color palette from the appropriate URL in order to convert the color names to hexdecimal.
color_schema = {} for cp in color_palete: for i, c in enumerate(cp[('色名', '色名')]): r = cp.loc[i, ('sRGB', 'R')] g = cp.loc[i, ('sRGB', 'G')] b = cp.loc[i, ('sRGB', 'B')] color_schema[c] = f"#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}"
16進数に直す作業。f"{変数:02x}" で 0埋め2桁の16進数表記ができる。
Converting to hexdecimal.f "{variables: 02x}" is 0 padded and 2 digit hexdecimal notation is possible.
header = members_color_table.columns
Accessing a data frame as columns gives the column name.
mc_dict = {}
Create an empty dictionary to prepare the JSON file.
for g in groups: mc_dict[] = {} for idx,member in enumerate(g): mc_dict[][color_table[idx]] = {} try: ziped = zip(extract_member.findall(member),extract_color.findall(member)) tempdict = dict(ziped) for key, value in tempdict.items(): for k, v in color_schema.items(): try: if value == k: tempdict[key] = [value, v] break except: pass mc_dict[][color_table[idx]] = tempdict except: mc_dict[][color_table[idx]] = {'':['','']}
先程コンパイルした正規表現のパターンを使って、メンバーの名前とメンバーカラーを分ける。 さっき作ったカラーパレットから16進数に変換。 メンバーカラーと16進数をセットにしたリストを作成して、メンバーの名前をキーにした辞書にする。 そして、グループと色の系統毎に振り分けていく。
Separate member names and member colors using the previously compiled regular expression patterns. I converted the color palette I made earlier to hexdecimal. Create a list of member colors and hexdecimals as a key dictionary of member names. Then, they are divided into groups and color systems.
with open("members_color_table.json","w") as f: json.dump(mc_dict, f, ensure_ascii=False)
JSONファイルとして、書き出す。 日本語の文字化けを防ぐ為、ensure_asciiをFalseにする。
Export as a JSON file. Set ensure_ascii to False for Japanese characters to display correctly.
This JSON file looks like this when viewed in Flask.
@app.route('/get_json', methods=['GET']) def get_json(): with open(json_url) as f: output = json.load(f) return jsonify(output)
I will make a simple application next time.
All you have to do is use a JSON file to generate the colors. It's a piece of cake.