Published Date : 2021年8月29日3:45
This is a summary blog post about a video I uploaded to NicoNico.
Please refer to the video for details.
Table of Contents
Continued from last time.
I will explain the outline of the extended Euclidean algorithm.
Before we do that, let's do a quick review of The Euclidean algorithm I described in my previous video by looking at the diagram.
例えばgcd(102, 78)をaが102、bが78の長方形として考えてみましょう。
For example, consider gcd(102, 78) as a rectangle with a=102 and b=78.
As you can see, 102 divided by 78 equals 78 x 1 plus a remainder of 24, so you can draw a square with sides of 78 in the rectangle.
The number of lines drawn in the square with sides of 78 is equal to the number in 〇 in expression (78 × 〇). (in this case, 1).
Next, you will have a rectangle with sides 24 (this is the number of the previous remainder) and b = 78. Draw a rectangle that has 3 squares with sides of 24 in the rectangle.
すると式(24 x 3 + 6)の6の部分が78割る24の余りとして残されます。
The 6 part of expression(24 x 3 + 6) is left as the remainder of 78 divided by 24.
そしたら最後に24を6で割ると(式6 x 4 余り0)となり、6が102と78の最大公約数となることが確認できます。
Finally, 24 is divided by 6 (expression 6 x 4 remainder 0), and 6 is the greatest common divisor of 102 and 78.
Try to deform the equation for d in which e times d is divided by φ(n) and the remainder is 1 that appeared in my previous video.
Isn't it similar to the Euclidean algorithm I described earlier?
To simplify things, let's take two different primes, p and q, and make them 11 and 17, and actually calculate the value of φ(n) with the small number 160.
Let e, which is a relatively prime for φ (n), be 3.
By the way, I multiply 160 by x, which means a multiple of 160.
In the extended Euclidean algorithm, there exists an integer solution x, y that satisfies (Equation ax + by = gcd(a, b)), so in this case x becomes d and y becomes x.
では変形し終わった一次不定方程式3d + (-160x) = 1の整数解をユークリッドの互除法を用いて、つまり拡張ユークリッドの互除法として計算してみましょう。
Now Let's try compute the integer solution of the transformed an indeterminate equation (3d + (-160x) = 1) using Euclidean's algorithm, that is, the extended Euclidean algorithm.
It's easy to do. We simply apply the Euclidean algorithm to a and b in the expression ax + by = 1.
Then we apply each of these expression to a and b.
A simple way to find another pair of integer solutions is to calculate x and y so that the right-hand side of the expression ax + by is zero, and then add it (a times b minus b times a equals zero).
この場合(d: -53, x: -1)も(d: 107, x: 2)も共に式3d - 160x = 1となる条件を満たします。
Both (d: -53, x: -1) and (d: 107, x: 2) satisfy the condition that expression 3d - 160x = 1.
You have now determined the value of d.
Then, as in step 6, the public key is set to (e, n), the private key is set to (d, n), and the message encrypted using the public key is decrypted using the private key.
Let's use Python to try to see if you can really encrypt and decrypt it by using the formula in the previous diagram.
Converts a message to a byte object.
The values of p, q, n, phiN, e and d are assigned to the variables.
To use a tuple or list as an argument to a function, precede the argument passed to the function with an asterisk.
Use asterisks again when passing arguments to the function.
Now you can confirm that encryption and decryption are possible.
Now, Let's use Python to try the extended Euclidean algorithm described earlier.
message = "hello rsa" b_message = bytes(message, "utf-8") b_message b'hello rsa' b_message.hex() '68656c6c6f20727361' b_message[0] 104 b_message.hex()[:2] '68' int(b_message.hex()[:2], 16) 104 d = 107 e = 3 p = 11 q = 17 n = p * q phiN = (p - 1) * (q - 1) public_key = (e, n) secret_key = (d, n) def encrypto(b, *args): e, n = args return (b ** e) % n b_message[0] 104 b = b_message[0] b 104 encrypto(b, *public_key) 59 [encrypto(b, *public_key) for b in b_message] [59, 118, 80, 80, 100, 43, 130, 4, 113] [chr(encrypto(b, *public_key)) for b in b_message] [';', 'v', 'P', 'P', 'd', '+', '\x82', '\x04', 'q'] cipher_text = "".join([chr(encrypto(b, *public_key)) for b in b_message]) cipher_text ';vPPd+\x82\x04q' def decrypto(c, *args): d, n = args return (c ** d) % n C = [encrypto(b, *public_key) for b in b_message] C [59, 118, 80, 80, 100, 43, 130, 4, 113] D = [decrypto(c, *secret_key) for c in C] D [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 114, 115, 97] decrypted_message = "".join([chr(m) for m in D]) decrypted_message 'hello rsa'
This is a simple diagram for building an extended Euclidean algorithm in a Python script.
ユークリッドの互除法と同様に、aとbの値をb, b%aといった具合にスワッピングしていきます。
As with Euclidean algorithm, the values of a and b are swapped as b, b%a, and so on.
The extension is that the two integer values are also swapped from top to bottom.
To see the flow of the algorithm in more detail, let's first create a function for the extended Euclidean algorithm using the print function.
First, as in Euclidean algorithm, the remainder of a divided by b, that is r, and b, is replaced by a and b.
We then use the quotient of a divided by b to swap the x and y values.
Repeat until b equals 0, as in Euclidean algorithm.
That's all. Thank you for your hard work.