Published Date : 2021年7月21日5:40
This is a summary blog post about a video I uploaded to NicoNico.
Please refer to the video for details.
Table of Contents
Continued from last time.
In my previous blog [], I introduced the probability of success.
If we calculate 0.7%, we can say that we will succeed almost 100% after about 974 attempts.
29/4096 0.007080078125 p = 29/4096 p 0.007080078125 n = 100 pOfS = (1-((1-p)**n)) * 100 print(f"{pOfS:.2f}%") n = 1 pOfS = (1-((1-p)**n)) * 100 while pOfS < 99.9: pOfS = (1-((1-p)**n)) * 100 n += 1 print(f"It takes {n} trials to raise the probability of {p*100:.2f}% to {pOfS:.2f}%.")
However, 256 bits of the hash value of sha256, from [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] to [ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff] in 16 notation,
If you think about 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639936 ways, you can imagine how difficult it is to find Nonce.
>>> 2**256 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639936
Let me get off the subject a little bit, but in order to understand how big this number is, I decided to apply the Japanese number unit to this value.
It goes over [阿僧祇(asougi)], [那由多(nayuta)], and [不可思議(fukashigi)] famous for sketch of [Saraba Seishun No Hikari (Japanese comedy duo)], and is near [10 to the 72 power].
""" 無量大数 むりょうたいすう 10の68乗 不可思議 ふかしぎ 10の64乗 那由多 なゆた 10の60乗 阿僧祇 あそうぎ 10の56乗 恒河沙 ごうがしゃ 10の52乗 極 ごく 10の48乗 載 さい 10の44乗 正 せい 10の40乗 潤 かん 10の36乗 溝 こう 10の32乗 穣 じょう 10の28乗 坙 し 10の24乗 垓 がい 10の20乗 京 けい/きょう 10の16乗 兆 ちょう 10の12乗 億 おく 10の8乗 万 まん 10の4乗 千 せん 10の3乗 百 ひゃく 10の2乗 十 じゅう 10の1乗 一 いち 10の0乗 """ japanese_kurai = ['万', '億', '兆', '京', '垓', '坙', '穣', '溝', '潤', '正', '載', '極', '沙河恒', '祇僧阿', '多由那', '議思可不', '数大量無', ' ', ' ', ' '] new_str = "" counter = 0 for i,c in enumerate(reversed(str(2**256))): new_str += c if (i+1) % 4 == 0: new_str += japanese_kurai[counter] counter += 1 new_str[::-1] '11 5792 0892無量大数3731不可思議6195那由多4235阿僧祇7098恒河沙5008極6879載0785正3269潤9846溝6564穣0564坙0394垓5758京4007兆9131億2963万9936'
Back to the topic, for example, when the difficulty level is 1, the target value is an integer [26959535291011309493156476344723991336010898738574164086137773096960].
If you try to calculate the probability with this value, you get 2 in 10 billion.
total_pattern = 2**256 diff1_pattern = 26959535291011309493156476344723991336010898738574164086137773096960 - 1 p = diff1_pattern / total_pattern print(f"{p:.32f}") 0.00000000023282709094019082840532
As you can see from the calculation, there is a 10% chance of still failing after 10 billion tries.
n = 1000000000 pOfS = (1-((1-p)**n)) * 100 print(f"It takes {n:,} trials to raise the probability of {p*100:.12f}% to {pOfS:.2f}%.") It takes 1,000,000,000 trials to raise the probability of 0.000000023283% to 20.77%. n = 5000000000 pOfS = (1-((1-p)**n)) * 100 print(f"It takes {n:,} trials to raise the probability of {p*100:.12f}% to {pOfS:.2f}%.") It takes 5,000,000,000 trials to raise the probability of 0.000000023283% to 68.78%. n = 10000000000 pOfS = (1-((1-p)**n)) * 100 print(f"It takes {n:,} trials to raise the probability of {p*100:.12f}% to {pOfS:.2f}%.") It takes 10,000,000,000 trials to raise the probability of 0.000000023283% to 90.25%.
Of course, it's kind of a lottery, so you might be lucky enough to find a nonce in a second or two that leads to a hash value below your target.
But it's easy to imagine that, on average, it takes a lot of computation.
ビットコインエクスプローラーのサイト を見てみましょう。
Let's look at the site of Bitcoin Explorer.
And the difficulty is the value obtained by dividing the target value derived from the bits when the difficulty is 1 by the target value derived from the bits at that time.
When the difficulty is 1, the bits is [0x1d00ffff] and the target value is [0x00000000FFFF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000].
Converted to an integer, it is [26959535291011309493156476344723991336010898738574164086137773096960].
And the bits of the recently created [690000] block is [0x171398ce] and the target value is [0x0000000000000000001398ce0000000000000000000000000000000000000000].
Converted to an integer, it is [1877009475827353279654828838027187714710153476809162752].
[26959535291011309493156476344723991336010898738574164086137773096960 / 1877009475827353279654828838027187714710153476809162752]が難易度となります。
In other words, [26959535291011309493156476344723991336010898738574164086137773096960 divided by 1877009475827353279654828838027187714710153476809162752] is the difficulty level.
Its value will be [14363025673659.965].
Some sites round this value or adjust the number of decimal places.
Take a look at the two Bitcoin Explorers sites.,
So the higher the value, the longer it takes to mine.
This difficulty is changed every 2 weeks considering the latest average calculation time, etc., and the time to find Nonce is adjusted accordingly.
Let's refer to what is written on the bitcoin wiki.
It also explains the difficulty, so please refer to it.
There is a equation in which the fourth byte of the bits is an index and the third to first bytes are coefficients.
Target = coefficient * 2 ^ ( 8 * (index — 3) )
This equation is used to calculate the target value from bits.
Let's use Python to calculate the target and difficulty from bits.
Let's examine block 690000th.
Bits in the 690000th block
And the equation was as follows.
Target = coefficient * 2 ^ ( 8 * (index — 3) )
The value of the bits in the 690,000th block can be applied to the equation as follows.
0x1398ce * 2 ^ (0x08 * (0x17–0x03) )
First, we store the bits of the 690,000th block (Choose the block number you like.) in a variable. (In python it is of type int.)
bits = 0x171398ce bits 387160270 hex(bits) '0x171398ce'
Divide the value of this bits into an index and a coefficient as in the previous equation.
idx = hex(bits)[2:4] idx '17' coef = hex(bits)[-6:] coef '1398ce'
Apply the two values to the equation.
target = int(coef, 16) * 2 ** (8 * (int(idx, 16) - 3)) target 1877009475827353279654828838027187714710153476809162752
Let's do the same calculation with the binary operation introduced in my previous video.
int(idx, 16) 23 idx = bits >> 24 idx 23
Use Python to see what happens in the right shift. Please refer to my previous video for details.
In hexadecimal notation, 2 digits are 1 byte (8 bits), so if you shift the bits that is 4 bytes to the right by 24 bits, you can leave the upper 1 byte.
test_bits = 0xff000000 print(f'{test_bits:08x}') ff000000 int('0xff', 16) 255 int('0x100', 16) 256 2 ** 8 256 print(f'{test_bits >> 8:08x}') 00ff0000 print(f'{test_bits >> 16:08x}') 0000ff00 print(f'{test_bits >> 24:08x}') 000000ff
Then, the third byte to the first byte are left by performing an AND operation on bits of the value of 3 bytes for bits of 4 bytes.
int(coef, 16) 1284302 coef = bits & 0xffffff coef 1284302
This task is also introduced in my previous video, so please refer to it.
Again, use Python to see what happens with masks using the AND operation.
test_bits = 0x00000001 mask = 0xffffffff test_bits & mask 1 print(f'{test_bits & mask:08x}') 00000001 test_bits = 0x10101010 mask = 0x00ffffff print(f'{test_bits & mask:08x}') 00101010 test_bits = 0x12345678 mask = 0xffffff print(f'{mask:08x}') 00ffffff print(f'{test_bits & mask:08x}') 00345678
The calculation result is displayed in 64 digit hexadecimal notation.
target_hexstr = '%064x' % (coef * (1 << (8*(idx - 3)))) target_hexstr '0000000000000000001398ce0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
By the way, as I explained in my previous video, if you shift 1 bit to the left N times, you get 2 raised to the power of N.
f'{(0b00000001 << 1):08b}' '00000010' int(f'{(0b00000001 << 1):08b}', 2) 2 f'{(0b00000001 << 2):08b}' '00000100' int(f'{(0b00000001 << 2):08b}', 2) 4
つまりインデックス側の計算(1 << (8*(idx - 3)))は2の(インデックス側の計算結果(8*(idx - 3)))乗となります。
That is, the calculation on the index side (1 << (8*(idx - 3))) is 2 raised to the power of (Calculation result of the index side (8*(idx - 3))).
1 << (8*(idx - 3)) 1461501637330902918203684832716283019655932542976 2 ** (8*(idx - 3)) 1461501637330902918203684832716283019655932542976
The target value can now be calculated from the bits.
int(target_hexstr, 16) 1877009475827353279654828838027187714710153476809162752 target == int(target_hexstr, 16) True
Since it is more efficient to use binary computations to find the nonce, let's import a codecs module and make the target a Python binary object.
import codecs target_bytes = codecs.decode(target_hexstr, "hex") target_bytes b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x13\x98\xce\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
Let's calculate the difficulty of block 690,000.
Create a function that calculates the target value.
def calc_target(bits): idx = bits >> 24 coef = bits & 0xffffff target_hexstr = '%064x' % (coef * (1 << (8*(idx - 3)))) target_bytes = codecs.decode(target_hexstr, "hex") return (target_hexstr, target_bytes) diff1_bits = 0x1d00ffff diff1_target_hexstr, diff1_target_bytes = calc_target(diff1_bits) diff1_target_hexstr '00000000ffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' diff1_target_bytes b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
Now you can calculate the difficulty. Then, you can intuitively understand that the difficulty increases when the current target value decreases.
int(diff1_target_hexstr, 16) / int(target_hexstr, 16) 14363025673659.965
Let's see if the nonce value is correct from the header value in block 690000th.
import codecs import struct from hashlib import sha256 version = 536870916 previousblockhash = "00000000000000000007f98ab827c3f8acb26be6349a43aca9d9b338290c29dc" merkleroot = "9d467c7013651310f7215b170d706a5ba5220885a59a6722826174880b5f70ad" time_stamp = 1625643787 bits = 0x171398ce nonce = 3902747927
Concatenate the bytes using the struct and codecs modules.
Make the byte order little-endian when concatenating bytes.
In the struct's pack method, [<] stands for little-endian, and [L] stands for 4-byte integer.
As I have said many times, please be careful about the byte order when you concatenate the bytes.
Most people use Intel CPUs, so let's do little-endian calculations.
If you are using a different CPU and are concerned about the byte order, please check it by yourself.
header = (struct.pack("<L", version) + codecs.decode(previousblockhash, "hex")[::-1] + codecs.decode(merkleroot, "hex")[::-1] + struct.pack("<LLL", time_stamp, bits, nonce)) hash_value = sha256(sha256(header).digest()).digest() print('%064x' % (int.from_bytes(hash_value, "little"))) 00000000000000000002a23d6df20eecec15b21d32c75833cce28f113de888b7
Let's see if the calculated hash value is correct. target_hexstr, target_bytes = calc_target(bits) target_hexstr '0000000000000000001398ce0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' target_bytes b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x13\x98\xce\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' hash_value[::-1] < target_bytes True print(f'nonce -> {nonce}\nhash -> {int.from_bytes(hash_value, "little"):064x}') nonce -> 3902747927 hash -> 00000000000000000002a23d6df20eecec15b21d32c75833cce28f113de888b7
That's all. Thank you for your hard work.