Published Date : 2021年5月10日13:28
This is a summary blog post about a video I uploaded to NicoNico.
Please refer to the video for details.
Table of Contents
The app I'm going to show you for calculating income and residence taxes for salaried workers and Individual employers, etc. is just a simple application for playing.
Please check the exact number and calculation method by yourself.
This app is used to calculate rough estimates and enjoy them.
Do not use for year-end adjustment of employees or for individual tax return.
In addition, the method of calculating taxes and deductions may change.
Also, there is a possibility that the deduction and tax calculation methods are incorrect.
Don't trust it too much, and test it yourself.
I will not be liable for any damage caused by using this app.
Android App Calculates Income and Resident Taxes for sole proprietors and salaried workers, Part 17.
Continued from last time.
I will play the video slowly again this time. If you don't have time, it might be just right to watch at 6 times speed.
Code in the method whose result is to be displayed.
However, the code itself is pretty much the same as the one you created in the previous video series, so please watch the video with the intention of reviewing.
All you have to do is take a Map array from the income tax, resident tax, and take-home pay methods and set it in a text view.
I will play the video slowly again this time. If you don't have time, it might be just right to watch at 6 times speed.
Based on the finished app, let's look at where each feature fits to.
In the case of a blue return and a white return, a separate display activity is provided so that the difference in tax amounts can be seen at a glance.
Once the National Health Insurance premium calculation is complete, a button will appear to allow the user to move to the activity.
The actual contents of the clear function. The content of the code is the same as the previous application.
public void clearfunc(GridLayout gl) { for (int i = 0; i < gl.getChildCount(); i++) { if(gl.getChildAt(i) instanceof EditText) { EditText et = (EditText) gl.getChildAt(i); et.getText().clear(); } if(gl.getChildAt(i) instanceof TextView) { TextView tv = (TextView) gl.getChildAt(i); if (tv.getId() != -1 && !(tv instanceof CheckBox)) { tv.setText(""); } } } }
Method invoked when the check box is checked. The contents of the code are the same as in the previous video.
public void spCalcOnAgeCheckBoxCliked(View view) { boolean ageChecked = ((CheckBox) view).isChecked(); if (ageChecked) { if (view.getId() == spCalcThirtyNineYOorLessCheckBox.getId()) { spCalcFortyYOorMoreCheckBox.setChecked(false); } else { spCalcThirtyNineYOorLessCheckBox.setChecked(false); } spCalculateSpSi(); toShowingComparisonActivity(); } else { spCalcThirtyNineYOorLessCheckBox.setChecked(false); spCalcFortyYOorMoreCheckBox.setChecked(false); spDisplayTotalAmountNhipText.setText(""); spDisplayTotalAmountMonthlyNhipText.setText(""); spBrDisplayTotalAmountNhipText.setText(""); spBrDisplayTotalAmountMonthlyNhipText.setText(""); } }
The method of actually calculating the national health insurance premium. The contents of the code are the same as in the previous video.
public void spCalculateSpSi() { String spSiIncomeText = spGrossBusinessIncomeText.getText().toString().replace(",", ""); if (spCalcThirtyNineYOorLessCheckBox.isChecked()) { spCalcSelectedAge = 1; } else if (spCalcFortyYOorMoreCheckBox.isChecked()) { spCalcSelectedAge = 2; } else { spCalcSelectedAge = 0; } if (spCalcSelectedAge != 0 && !(spSiIncomeText.isEmpty())) { List<String> spsIPremiumList = spCalcCsvDriver.getSpSIPremiumList().get(spCalcSelectOfYourWardSpinner.getSelectedItemPosition()); Map<String, String> spSipNHIPResults = spCalcActivityNhip.calcSpNHIP(spsIPremiumList, Integer.parseInt(spSiIncomeText), spCalcSelectedAge); spDisplayTotalAmountNhipText.setText(spSipNHIPResults.get("国民健康保険料")); spDisplayTotalAmountMonthlyNhipText.setText(spSipNHIPResults.get("国民健康保険料(月額)")); spBrDisplayTotalAmountNhipText.setText(spSipNHIPResults.get("国民健康保険料(青色)")); spBrDisplayTotalAmountMonthlyNhipText.setText(spSipNHIPResults.get("国民健康保険料月額(青色)")); spCalcDisplayNPPremiumText.setText(spSipNHIPResults.get("国民年金保険料年額")); spDisplayMonthlyNPPremiumText.setText(spSipNHIPResults.get("国民年金保険料月額")); spTotalSiPText.setText(spSipNHIPResults.get("社会保険料年間総額年額")); spTotalMonthlySiPText.setText(spSipNHIPResults.get("社会保険料年間総額月額")); spBrTotalSiPText.setText(spSipNHIPResults.get("社会保険料年間総額年額(青色)")); spBrTotalMonthlySiPText.setText(spSipNHIPResults.get("社会保険料年間総額月額(青色)")); } else { String text = "収入を入力して、所得を出してね!"; spCreateToast(text, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); } }
Let's write the code of the method to pass the calculation result to the activity which shows the comparison of tax amount in case of blue return and white return.
Use the putExtra method to pass values to the activity.
Method invoked when the button is pressed that allows the user to return to the main screen.
Let's write the code for the layout and logic for the activity that displays the comparison of tax amounts for blue and white returns.
Based on the finished app, let's look at where each feature fits to.
Continue to Part 18.
That's all. Thank you for your hard work.