Published Date : 2021年1月31日10:22
This is a summary blog post about a video I uploaded to NicoNico.
Please refer to the video for details.
Table of Contents
Continued from last time.
First, open the CSV file from the asset folder using the asset manager.
AssetManager assetManager = context.getResources().getAssets();
It also uses a try catch statement to describe what happens when a file cannot be opened.
It then uses the input stream reader to allow the data in the file to be captured as ordered sequence bytes.
And this input stream reader can capture characters one by one.
It is useful for multi-byte characters such as kanji, and can be decoded into characters by specifying character codes in constructors.
You can then use a buffered reader to temporarily store the input stream in a memory area to improve conversion efficiency by reducing the disk input output.
By using the readline method of the buffered reader, the above classes can work together to retrieve a stream of bytes as characters, store them in a buffer of memory, and then retrieve them line by line.
InputStream inputStream ="table_7_2_2.csv"); InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream); BufferedReader bufferReader = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader);
After the buffered reader has retrieved and processed the last line, it returns to the conditional expression at the beginning of the while statement, and exits the while statement at that point because it stores a null with no lines in the line variable.
Within the while statement, declare a new string array variable for each loop.
Then, uses the split method to store an array with rows separated by commas to the variable.
This line-by-line array corresponds to a row in the CSV file.
It then performs a null check on each line and stores the converted string array from string list in a newly created array list.
You cannot add or delete new values from the list, so you need to convert it to an array that you can easily add or delete.
It then uses the count variable defined outside of the while statement to store only the first row, That is, only the header portion of the CSV (age group) is stored in another member variable.
The sublist used is equivalent to a slice in Python, it retrieves the array values between the specified indexes.
The array list type uses the get method to retrieve the value of the specified index. The 0 in this array represents the wage class.
Then, the remaining percentage of the line is stored in the member variable as a CSV list.
Finally, remember to close the buffered reader.
Return to the [] file and You then create a separate function that creates the adapter needed to allow the user to select values using [spinner].
public void createAdapter(){ }
Let's set the layout of the drop-down selection to the spinner in the main activity layout by using the adapter.
You can then use a getter to get an array of wage class rates and use the For loop to set that value on the adapter.
Use the first value in the array as the default value.
This method extracts the wage class percentage from the selected age and annual income when the Calculate button is pressed.
public void calculatePercentage(View view) { }
Now let's create a method that does the actual computation in [].
public List<Object> calculatePercentage(int wageIndex, int ageIndex){ }
It initializes an array list variable to store all the results, and stores the selected age, annual income, calculation results, etc. in the variable.
List types are specified as object types. This is because the array list contains a mix of integer, string, and list types.
Normally, when initializing, a type error occurs if you do not predeclare which types are in the list.
This way, however, various types can be stored in the list without having to predetermine them.
You then create a variable to calculate the average annual income for the selected age group.
The [is empty method] determines whether the variable is empty. Another method of determine is as follows.
Calculates the middle value of the selected salary range in the For Loop statement and multiplies it by the percentage of the selected age range.
Removes extra strings and splits the number into two with the given characters.
Because the number is a string, you must use parse float to return to the float value before you calculate it.
Then, store all the results of the calculation in the variable you just prepared and use that variable as the return value of the method.
Return to the [] file and Get the result value from the previous method.
resultList = wageDriver.calculatePercentage(selectedWageIdx, selectedAgeIdx); String percentage = (String) resultList.get(0); String wage = (String) resultList.get(1); String age = (String) resultList.get(2);
Since there is a character string to be further emphasized, the display of the result is converted to HTML by using the value.
If the results display successfully, display a transition button to an activity that displays a bar chart of the percentage of the wage class in the specified age group.
Create a method to handle when the transition to activity button is pressed.
public void showChartBtn(View view) { }
The familiar [intent] is used here, but the difference from the last time is that the value passed to the activity is an array list type.
The usual way of passing values is not good enough to pass values to the activity, so you need to use Serializable to store the passed values in memory as byte arrays.
This allows an instance of an array variable of a different type to be recognized by another activity.
That is, an instance of this array variable is serialized and stored in memory so that it can be retrieved and restored.
If you've ever worked with Python pickle, you might be able to understand it intuitively.
The reason for this is that Python pickle can also serialize Python objects as a sequence of bytes and save them as a file, and then restore them directly as Python objects from another Python file.
Now go to the [] of the activity that displays the bar chart, and write a process that takes the submitted variable and puts its value in the class file that actually displays the chart.
public class DisplayBarChart extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_display_bar_chart); Intent intent = getIntent(); List<Object> receivedData = (List<Object>) intent.getSerializableExtra("SEND_DATA"); DisplayView displayView = new DisplayView(this, receivedData); setContentView(displayView); } }
Now let's create a class file [] that will actually display the chart.
class DisplayView extends View { }
Continue to Part 3.
That's all. Thank you for your hard work.