Published Date : 2021年1月29日12:55
This is a summary blog post about a video I uploaded to NicoNico.
Please refer to the video for details.
Table of Contents
This is the Android app we are going to make this time.
Android Studioの環境設定方法は以前の動画を参考にしてください。
See my previous video for how to set up the Android Studio.
This is the Android version of the list of wage classes app I created in the last video using Flask in Python.
This time, I have made a new improvement to display a bar chart of the entire wage class within a specified age range.
I've shown you how to make an Android app a few times before, so check it out.
ではいつも通りにAndroid Studioを立ち上げてから、空のアクティビティを選択して新しいプロジェクトを作成してください。
Start Android Studio as usual, then select an empty activity to create a new project.
Name the project as you like. An easy to understand name might be good.
まずは[App]で右クリックして、[new]ー>[Folder]ー>[Assets Folder]の順に選択して新しいアセッツフォルダを作成しましょう。
First, create a new assets folder by right-clicking on [App] and selecting [new] ー> [Folder] ー> [Assets Folder].
Copy and paste the CSV file of the table of wage classes used last time in the created assets folder.
そしてまた[App]で右クリックして、[new]ー>[Activity]ー>[Empty Activity]の順に選択して新しいアクティビティを作成しましょう。
Let's create a new activity by right clicking on [App] and selecting [new] ー> [Activity] ー> [Empty Activity].
This is an activity to display a bar chart. Please give it a name that is easy to understand.
[Generate a Layout file]にチェックを入れると、自動でレイアウトファイルを作ってくれます。
If you check [Generate a Layout file], the layout file will be created automatically.
次に、[Java]フォルダ内にある、[]等があるパッケージフォルダで右クリックして、[new]を選択して[Java Class]ファイルを作成しましょう。
Next, in the [Java] folder, right click on the package folder that contains [] and select [new] to create the [Java Class] file.
Canvas APIを使用してグラフを実際に表示させるクラスファイルと、CSVファイルの読み込みと賃金階級の計算等を操作するクラスファイルを作成します。
Create a class file to actually display the bar chart using the Canvas API, and a class file to read the CSV file, calculate the wage class, etc.
[layout]フォルダ内の[activity_main.xml]ファイルに[Grid Layout]を配置して、[columnCount]を2列、[rowCount]を6行に設定します。
Place [Grid Layout] in the [activity_main.xml] file in the [layout] folder, with [columnCount] set to 2 columns and [rowCount] set to 6 rows.
<GridLayout android:id="@+id/GridLayout1" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:columnCount="2" android:rowCount="6">
In the [strings.xml] file in the [values] folder, create and register the text, etc. to be used for the entire project separately.
<resources> <string name="app_name">wageClass</string> <string name="wageSpinnerLabel">Select Your Wage</string> <string name="ageSpinnerLabel">Select Your Age</string> <string name="calcBtnText">Calculate</string> <string name="displayTextLabel">show the percentage of the wage class in your age</string> <string name="chartActivityBtn">Show Chart</string> </resources>
To use the text registered in this [strings.xml] in the layout file, add an [at sign] to the beginning of the character and specify the name registered in [name attribute].
Return to the [activity_main.xml] file and use [spinner]. This allows users to select their age and annual salary.
<Spinner android:id="@+id/wageSpinner" android:layout_row="1" android:layout_column="0" android:layout_columnWeight="1" android:layout_margin="10dp" />
Text that describes what to select is also placed above [spinner].
Places a button to calculate the wage class. Only one element per line can be placed by setting [columnSpan] equal to the number of columns.
You can position elements in the middle of the layout by setting [layout_gravity] to [center_horizontal].
[res]フォルダ内の[drawable]フォルダで右クリックして、[new]ー>[Drawable Resource File]の順に選択して新しいリソースファイルを作成します。
Right-click the [drawable] folder in the [res] folder to create a new resource file by selecting [new] ー> [Drawable Resource File].
Name the file [border.xml] and use [shape] to create the border.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="" android:shape="rectangle"> <stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="#000" /> </shape>
Return to the [activity_main.xml] file and specify [border.xml] in the [background attribute] of the [TextView] to place an outline around the [TextView] that displays the result of the calculation.
Places a button to go to an activity that displays a bar chart.
To create a mechanism for displaying the button when the result of the calculation comes out, set [visibilty] to [invisible] to hide the initial display of the button.
Now let's write code for what happens when a button is pressed or a spinner is selected.
In the [Java] folder, open [] and write the variables to be used in Class.
Initializes an empty list used to store the calculation results and create an instance of the class file required to load and calculate the CSV file for the wage class.
You then create a separate function that creates the adapter needed to allow the user to select values using [spinner].
You then create an object from the layout ID so that you can manipulate the text and buttons.
In the [Java] folder, open the [] and write the code of the class file which reads and calculates CSV file of the wage class.
You use a method called [Getter] to retrieve values through a method instead of directly accessing the member variables of a class and referencing the values of the variables.
public List<List<String>> getCsvArray() { return csvArray; } public List<String> getWageClassList() { return wageClassList; } public List<String> getAgeList() { return ageList; }
Now let's create a method to load a CSV file.
Continue to Part 2.
That's all. Thank you for your hard work.