Published Date : 2020年12月13日2:01
This is a blog post about a video I uploaded to YouTube.
Please refer to the video for details.
Table of Contents
The tool I'm going to show you for calculating income and residence taxes for salaried workers is just a simple tool for playing.
Please check the exact number and calculation method by yourself.
This tool is used to calculate rough estimates and enjoy them.
Do not use for year-end adjustment of employees or for individual tax return.
In addition, the method of calculating taxes and deductions may change.
Also, there is a possibility that the deduction and tax calculation methods are incorrect.
Don't trust it too much, and test it yourself.
I will not be liable for any damage caused by using this tool.
Next, let's make a tool to calculate income tax, resident tax and national health insurance for individual business owners etc. and use it together with the app we made this time.
First, create a script to calculate the National Health Insurance Premium.
Insurance premiums were calculated with reference to these sites.
In the case of sole proprietors, the amount obtained by deducting expenses from business revenue is income.
From there, the basic deduction amount (330,000 yen) is subtracted, and the insurance premium for the basic amount (amount of medical care) and the Late elderly support fund, and for the nursing care (for 40 years old or older and 64 years old or younger) is calculated.
This time, we will create the outline of the script, so we will ignore the detailed conditions.
Start by creating a test script in a folder of your choice, with variables for business income, expenses, age, basic deductions, and income.
def 健康保険料(): # default value business_revenue = 8520000 income = 0 expenses = 1200000 age = 40
Then, you define the amount and tax rate necessary to calculate the National Health Insurance fee as variables.
# national health insurance premium 均等割_基礎賦課分 = 39900 所得割_基礎賦課分 = 0.0714 基礎賦課分_賦課限度額 = 630000 均等割_後期高齢者支援金等賦課分 = 12900 所得割_後期高齢者支援金等賦課分 = 0.0229 後期高齢者支援金等賦課分_賦課限度額 = 190000 # Use the tax rate of Setagaya Ward as default. (世田谷区の税率をデフォルトとして使用します。) 均等割_介護納付金賦課分 = 15600 所得割_介護納付金賦課分 = 0.0205 介護納付金賦課分_賦課限度額 = 170000 医療分 = 0 後期高齢者支援金 = 0 介護納付金 = 0
These values vary by municipality. This time, we used the tax rate of the Tokyo Special Ward as a whole, and the tax rate of the long-term care insurance was that of Setagaya Ward.
Also, if you are a sole proprietor, you can get a special deduction at the time of tax return, so you should also calculate the amount considering it.
# special deduction basic_deduction = 330000 青色申告特別控除 = 650000 青色申告 = 0 医療分_青色 = 0 後期高齢者支援金_青色 = 0 介護納付金_青色 = 0
All you have to do is calculate the national health insurance premium based on the value you enter and display the result.
try: business_revenue = int(input('収入を入力してね: ')) expenses = int(input('経費を入力してね: ')) age = int(input('年齢を入力してね: ')) if business_revenue < 0: print('マイナスの値が入力されました。デフォルト値に設定する!') business_revenue = 8520000 if expenses < 0: print('マイナスの値が入力されました。デフォルト値に設定する!') expenses = 1200000 if age < 0: print('マイナスの値が入力されました。デフォルト値に設定する!') age = 40 except: print('不正な値です。数値を入力してください。全てデフォルト値に設定する!') business_revenue = 8520000 expenses = 1200000 age = 40 swt = 11
Write actions for negative or non-numeric values.
There are many other points that need to be adjusted in detail, such as the branching of processing according to age, but these will be corrected in the future.
Let's test the script.
Enter an appropriate number and use a calculator to check if the calculation is correct.
That's all. Thank you for your hard work.