Published Date : 2020年8月14日0:18

[Processing] Computer simulation of the Battle of Nagashino

This blog has an English translation

YouTubeにアップした動画、「【Processing, プログラミング】長篠の戦いをコンピューターシュミレーション」の補足説明の記事です。

Here's a little more about the 「[Processing, programming] Computer simulation of the Battle of Nagashino」 video I uploaded to YouTube.


Table of Contents

① 戦いの概要
① Outline of the battle


Let's simulate the Battle of Nagashino with Processing.


I think you know enough about [Battle of Nagashino].


After explaining only the outline of the Shitaragahara battle in a 30 second animation, we start computer simulation.

まず闇夜に紛れて決戦前夜に酒井忠次(さかい ただつぐ)と金森長近(かなもり ながちか)隊が、

First, in a dark night, Tadatsugu SAKAI and Nagachika KANAMORI troops left


the main force of the Oda Tokugawa allied forces on the night before the battle.


This was to make a surprise attack from behind the fort on Mt. Tobigasu, which surrounded and monitored Nagashino Castle.


Day had broken and the two armies confronted each other at Shitaragahara,

午前十時頃に武田軍の左翼、山県昌景(やまがた まさかげ)が徳川軍に襲い掛かり、開戦します。

The battle broke out around 10 AM when the Masakage YAMAGATA, the left wing of Takeda's forces, attacked Tokugawa's forces.


In this battle, the two wings of the Takeda army mainly tried to attack the two wings of the Oda Tokugawa allied forces intensively.


A few hours after the start of the war, the Sakai and Kanamori corps succeeded in capturing the fort on Mt. Tobigasu and, together with soldiers who had been holed up in Nagashino Castle, defeated the remaining garrisons in an attempt to cut off Takeda's retreat.


Both wings of Takeda's army were able to break into the enemy's front line by defeating some of the fences of Oda Tokugawa's army.


Because the Anayama troop retreated on its own, the whole Takeda's army was shaken and the situation suddenly deteriorated.


Oyamada troop of Takeda, who had been watching Nagashino Castle, surrounded the headquarters of Katsuyori to protect it.


Seeing this, Oda Tokugawa's forces rushed out of their own fences and drove out Takeda's forces one after another.

激しい撤退戦の後、多くの武田軍の武将が打ち取られた後、最後は勝頼の退却を見届けた馬場信春(ばば のぶはる)が豊川のほとりで打ち取られます。

After a fierce retreat, many of Takeda's warlords were defeated, and in the end Nobuharu BABA, who had been defending Katsuyori's withdrawal, was eventually killed on the bank of the Toyo-gawa River, which runs through the valley.


The above is the outline of the theory when most people talk about the Battle of Nagashino.

② プロセッシングコード
② Code with Processing


Now let's write the code in Processing.


Next, We write the simulation code.


We will reuse the Lanchester's Law code we made last time.


The previous code, A army and B army, are just divided into Oda Tokugawa army and Takeda army.

//1馬場 信春
ArrayList<Heishi> Baba;
//2真田 信綱
ArrayList<Heishi> Sanada;
//3土屋 昌次
ArrayList<Heishi> Tuchiya;
//4穴山 信君(撤退戦前に撤退)
ArrayList<Heishi> Anayama;
ArrayList<Heishi> Katsuyori;
//6一条 信竜
ArrayList<Heishi> Ichijyo;
//武田 信豊
ArrayList<Heishi> Nobukado;
ArrayList<Heishi> Nobutoyo;
//8小幡 信貞
ArrayList<Heishi> Obata;
//9内藤 昌豊
ArrayList<Heishi> Naito;
//10原 昌胤
ArrayList<Heishi> Hara;
//11山形 昌景
ArrayList<Heishi> Yamagata;
//小山田 信茂
ArrayList<Heishi> Oyamada;
//1水野 信元
ArrayList<Heishi> Mizuno;
ArrayList<Heishi> FukuNono;
//3佐久間 信盛
ArrayList<Heishi> Sakuma;
//4丹羽 長秀
ArrayList<Heishi> Niwa;
//5羽柴 秀吉
ArrayList<Heishi> Hashiba;
//6滝川 一益
ArrayList<Heishi> Takigawa;
//7前田 利家
ArrayList<Heishi> Maeda;
//8織田 信長
ArrayList<Heishi> Nobunaga;
//9佐々 成政
ArrayList<Heishi> Sassa;
//10柴田 勝家
ArrayList<Heishi> Shibata;
//11織田 信忠
ArrayList<Heishi> Nobutada;
//12河尻 秀隆
ArrayList<Heishi> Kawajiri;
//13北畠 信雄
ArrayList<Heishi> Kitabata;
//14石川 数正
ArrayList<Heishi> Ishikawa;
//15鳥居 元忠
ArrayList<Heishi> Torii;
//16本田 忠勝
ArrayList<Heishi> Honda;
//17榊原 康政
ArrayList<Heishi> Sakakibara;
//18大須賀 康高
ArrayList<Heishi> Osuga;
//19大久保 忠世
ArrayList<Heishi> Okubo;
ArrayList<Heishi> Tokugawanobu;
ArrayList<Heishi> Ieyasu;


Next, you adjust the influence of the terrain as a factor.

void caculateAShougaibutu(Heishi a) {
  float acx = a.coordinate.x;
  float acy = a.coordinate.y;
  if ((acx >= nc.leftW)&(nc.rightW+60 >= acx)) {
    aic *= 0.99;
    a.coeff = 0.02;
  } else if ((acx >= rg.leftW)&(rg.rightW+30 >= acx)) {
    aic *= 0.99;
    a.coeff = 0.02;
  } else if ((acx >= hr.hrLeft)&(hr.hrLeft+hr.hrW >= acx)) {
    aic *= 0.99;
    a.coeff = 0.02;
  } else if ((acx >= bs.bsFrontLeft)&(acx <= bs.bsFrontLeft+bs.bsW)) {
    for(float bsh : bs.bsFrontH){
        aic *= 0.88;
        a.coeff = 0.02;
  } else if ((acx >= bs.bsBackLeft)&(bs.bsBackLeft+bs.bsW >= acx)) {
    for(float bsh : bs.bsBackH){
        aic *= 0.88;
        a.coeff = 0.03;
  } else if ((acx >= dr.drFrontLeft)&(acx <= dr.drFrontLeft+dr.drW)) {
    println("hit droui front");
    for(float drh : dr.drFrontH){
        println("hit droui front");
        fill(255, 0, 0, 100);
        rect(dr.drFrontLeft, dr.drH, drh, dr.drH);
        aic *= 0.88;
        a.coeff = 0.04;
  } else if ((acx >= dr.drBackLeft)&(dr.drBackLeft+dr.drW >= acx)) {
    for(float drh : dr.drBackH){
        aic *= 0.88;
        a.coeff = 0.04;
  } else {
    aic = initAic;
    a.coeff = initPerformanceA;


I wanted to make it more complicated, but this time it's just a simple change in speed and attack power.


The terrain that affects the soldiers is hills and muddy land, the Rengo River and moats, fences and the earthworks behind them, and also hills and mountains.


Then, it represents the long-distance attacks launched by each object.


Of course, if you make it possible to shoot an arrow and a gun infinitely in succession,


It will finish in no time with an impossible number of bullets.


weapons = new StringList();
weapons.append("bear hand");
if (random(0, 100) < teppowariai) {
} else {

So, we decided the ratio of firearms and distributed them to each unit, assuming that Nobunaga's army had 1000 firearms and Takeda's army had 300.


The number of bullets in a firearm and the number of bows in a bow and an arrow are also limited, and in addition, a teppo has an interval of about 30 seconds until a person can hit the teppo again.


First, we will adjust the parameters from the battles between the left wing of Takeda's forces and the right wing of Tokugawa's forces.


If a soldier receives a certain number of damages, he will withdraw and recover his physical strength.


To reproduce the movement of the battle at that time, we use the KeyPressed function so that each unit object can move separately.

void keyPressed(){
  if (keyCode==ENTER) {
  if (keyCode==TAB){
    for (int i = Baba.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      Baba.get(i).stepX = 2.0;
    for (int i = Sanada.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      Sanada.get(i).stepX = 2.0;
 //for (int i = Anayama.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 // Anayama.get(i).stepX = 3.0;
    for (int i = Tuchiya.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      Tuchiya.get(i).stepX = 2.0;
 //for (int i = Katsuyori.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 // Katsuyori.get(i).stepX = 3.0;
    for (int i = Ichijyo.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      Ichijyo.get(i).stepX = 1.0;
 //for (int i = Nobutoyo.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 // Nobutoyo.get(i).stepX = 3.0;
 //for (int i = Nobukado.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 // Nobukado.get(i).stepX = 3.0;
    for (int i = Obata.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      Obata.get(i).stepX = 1.0;
    for (int i = Naito.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      Naito.get(i).stepX = 2.0;
    for (int i = Hara.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      Hara.get(i).stepX = 2.0;
    for (int i = Yamagata.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      Yamagata.get(i).stepX = 2.0;
 //for (int i = Oyamada.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 // Oyamada.get(i).stepX = 3.0;
      for (int i = Yamagata.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Yamagata.get(i).stepX = 2.0;
  if(key=='y') {
      for (int i = Yamagata.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Yamagata.get(i).stepX = -2.0;
  if(key=='u') {
      for (int i = Yamagata.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Yamagata.get(i).stepX = 0.0;
      for (int i = Hara.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Hara.get(i).stepX = 2.0;
  if(key=='h') {
      for (int i = Hara.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Hara.get(i).stepX = -2.0;
  if(key=='U') {
      for (int i = Hara.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Hara.get(i).stepX = 0.0;
      for (int i = Baba.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Baba.get(i).stepX = 2.0;
  if(key=='b') {
      for (int i = Baba.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Baba.get(i).stepX = -2.0;
  if(key=='g') {
      for (int i = Baba.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Baba.get(i).stepX = 0.0;
      for (int i = Sanada.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Sanada.get(i).stepX = 2.0;
  if(key=='s') {
      for (int i = Sanada.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Sanada.get(i).stepX = -2.0;
  if(key=='G') {
      for (int i = Sanada.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Sanada.get(i).stepX = 0.0;
      for (int i = Tuchiya.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Tuchiya.get(i).stepX = 2.0;
  if(key=='t') {
      for (int i = Tuchiya.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Tuchiya.get(i).stepX = -2.0;
  if(key=='r') {
      for (int i = Tuchiya.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Tuchiya.get(i).stepX = 0.0;
      for (int i = Naito.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Naito.get(i).stepX = 2.0;
  if(key=='n') {
      for (int i = Naito.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Naito.get(i).stepX = -2.0;
  if(key=='R') {
      for (int i = Naito.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Naito.get(i).stepX = 0.0;
      for (int i = Obata.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Obata.get(i).stepX = 2.0;
  if(key=='o') {
      for (int i = Obata.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Obata.get(i).stepX = -2.0;
  if(key=='p') {
      for (int i = Obata.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Obata.get(i).stepX = 0.0;
      for (int i = Ichijyo.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Ichijyo.get(i).stepX = 2.0;
  if(key=='i') {
      for (int i = Ichijyo.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Ichijyo.get(i).stepX = -2.0;
  if(key=='P') {
      for (int i = Ichijyo.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Ichijyo.get(i).stepX = 0.0;


For your information, at first I had the Oda Tokugawa army had 38000 soldiers against the Takeda army had 12000, but the calculation process was too heavy and it didn't work properly, so I made it 1/10 each.


However, the ratio of the number of soldiers must be the same.


When 10% to 20% of the soldiers become incapable of fighting because of death or serious severely injured, the army retreats.


This is the average figure of the Warring States period.


In other words, 10% of the 12000 soldiers of the Takeda army is about 1200.


In fact, they must have started withdrawing in this number.


And when the withdrawal battle started, the number of deaths increased.


It is said that the number of casualties increases by 3 to 5 times compared to the number before the withdrawal in the case of the withdrawal battle in which the withdrawal is difficult due to bad terrain, tactics, etc.


As for the simulation, as you can see, there is no chance for Takeda army to win no matter how hard they try.


Since both armies have weapons of the same performance, it is much more advantageous to build a field castle with a large number of soldiers and weapons.


It is said that 3 times more soldiers than the enemy are needed to attack the castle.


Considering that, more than 100,000 soldiers, which is nine times as many as Takeda's 12000 soldiers, are needed to beat Oda and Tokugawa's 38000 soldiers.


In that case, if we could build a field castle with the same quality as Nobunaga's, it is highly possible that even Tokugawa's 8000 soldiers could have won.


However, it was a victory based on the skills of field fortification and the strategy to lure them, so in the end, the victory of this war can be achieved only with Nobunaga's army and Nobunaga.


Also, keep in mind that Takeda's forces have been attacking Nagashino Castle for 10 days.


In addition, the Takeda army fired so many bullets of guns that it was said that Nagashino Castle was covered with holes.


There must have been very little food or ammunition.


(There is a possibility that they were replenishing from Kai province frequently. In terms of distance, goods from home country should arrive in a week.)


For this reason, even Takeda's army, which was composed of many strong soldiers, must have been exhausted and did not show much strength in the main battle.


However, it was a strategic victory of the Oda Tokugawa army which invited the Takeda army to their field by making good use of the topography and surprise attack.


Well, There are various theories about this battle, but the biggest factor in the battle of the Oda Tokugawa army was that the number of arms, ammunition, army provisions, and soldiers was overwhelmingly larger than that of the Takeda army.


That's all. Thank you for your hard work.


It might be interesting to add more parameters.


Then, please enjoy it with various ideas and improvements.


Note: The entire code is messy with lines and class files, so I'll put it all together and post it on Github.

See You Next Page!