Published Date : 2020年5月18日21:15

ProcessingのSketchをAndroid Studioで動かす方法
How to run Processing Sketch in Android Studio

This blog has an English translation

YouTubeにアップした動画、「How to run Processing Sketch in Android Studio:ProcessingのSketchをAndroid Studioで動かす方法」の補足説明の記事です。

Here's a little more about the 「How to run Processing Sketch in Android Studio:ProcessingのSketchをAndroid Studioで動かす方法」 video I uploaded to YouTube.

ProcessingのSketchをAndroid Studioを使ってエミュレーターや実機で動かす方法を紹介します。

I'll show you how to run Processing Sketch on an emulator or a real machine using Android Studio.


It's a video that can be understood in a short period of time even when you're busy, without any unnecessary explanation.


Table of Contents

ProcessingのライブラリをAndroid Studioで利用できるようにする
Making Processing Libraries Available to Android Studio

ではProcessingのライブラリをAndroid Studioで利用できるようにしてみましょう。ブラウザで「」を入力して検索しましょう。

Now let's make the Processing library available in Android Studio. Enter [ ] in the browser to search for it.

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Download [].

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Unzip the downloaded ZIP file.

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Delete the ZIP file and open the extracted file.

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Rename 「」 in the folder to 「processing-core.jar」.

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Android Studioを起動して、新しいプロジェクトを作ります。

Start Android Studio and create a new project.

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[Empty Activity]を選択して「次へ」をクリック。

Select [Empty Activity] and click [Next].

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「Use Legacy libraries」を指定してプロジェクトを作成してください。

Specify 「Use Legacy libraries」 to create the project.

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Move the renamed [processing-core.jar] to [your project name\app\libs].

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移動した「processing-core.jar」を右クリックして「Add As Library」を選択します。

Right-click the moved 「processing-core.jar」 and select 「Add As Library」.

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次にブラウザで「 」と入力してページに飛びます。

Then type [ ] in your browser to go to the page.

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First, rewrite the contents of "activity_main.xml".

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Next, rewrite the contents of "".

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Next, create a []. Select [Your project name\app\src\main\java\Your package name] and right-click with the mouse.

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[New] -> [Java Class]

[New] -> [Java Class]

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Enter 「Sketch」 for Name and 「processing.core.PApplet」 for Superclass and click 「OK」.

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Create the contents of [].

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I don't need this line, so I'll delete it.

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[setup()] and [draw()] are similar to Processing syntax, but the screen size seems to be created in [settings()] rather than in [setup()].

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Running Processing sketches on emulators and Android devices


Let's check how the application works on the emulator.

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The emulator operation was confirmed. Now let's try the Processing app on your Android device.


Let's connect an Android terminal to a computer by USB.

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Watch the screen of the connected Android device.

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When you connect an Android device to your PC via USB, you will be asked, "Do you allow USB debugging?" so click 「OK」.

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Android Studioに戻ると使用可能デバイスの欄に「あなたのAndroid端末の名前」が選択できる状態になっているはずです。

When you return to Android Studio, you should be able to select "The name of your Android device" in the Available Devices column.

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Let's select a device and press the play button.

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「Build Successful」と「Install Successfully finished」と表示されます。デバイスの画面を見てみましょう。

「Build Successful」 and 「Install Successfully Finished」 are displayed. Let's look at the screen of the device.

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You should be able to see how it works on an Android device.

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When you close the app, it's still deployed to your Android device. Once executed, you can play as many times as you like. If you want to delete an application, you can select "Apps" from "Settings" and delete it with "Delete" so don't worry.

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That's all. Thank you for your hard work.

See You Next Page!