Published Date : 2020年2月27日12:44

BlenderとGIMPを使った簡単なTutorial用動画編集 Part2
Part 2 - Easy Tutorial video editting using Blender and GIMP

This blog has an English translation


Create a simple tutorial video using Blender and GIMP.


You can use all of these software for free. In addition, all of these run on Mac, Windows, or Linux.


You don't have to buy expensive software. This is enough for simple videos.

今回は[Part 7 - first half - Adding sound to apps created with Processing]を作った時の映像の一部を見せながら説明していきます。

I will explain part 2 this time by showing part of the video when I made [Part 7 - first half - Adding sound to apps created with Processing].


Table of Contents

Speed Control

まずBlender Video Editingを使った動画のスピードをコントロールしていく編集の方法から説明していきます。

First, I'll explain how to use Blender Video Editing to control the speed of your video.

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You can cut movies with K on the keyboard.

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Addー>Effect Stripー>Speed Controlを選択。

Choose Addー>Effect Stripー>Speed Control.

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Multiply Speedで動画の再生速度を調整する。

Multiply Speed adjusts video playback speed.

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If the playback speed is 4 times, the playback time will be 1/4, so adjust the export time.

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Press the Animation button in the Render tab to export the video.

Take a snapshot with VLC and Blender and edit in GIMP


Next is a description how to take a snapshot with VLC and Blender and edit in GIMP.

続いて、VlC Media Playerを用いて動画のスナップショットを撮っていく。

Next, you'll take a snapshot of the video using the VLC Media Player.

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space keyや再生ボタンを押して一時停止と再生を繰り返し、説明が必要な動画のスナップショットの部分を探す。

Press the space key or play button to pause and play until you find the snapshot of the video you need to explain.

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Save a snapshot


Repeat this process as many times as necessary.

Blenderを使った方法 : How to do snapshot in Blender

Blenderを使ってスナップショットを撮る場合のやり方を説明します。 実はこっちのやり方ほうが、後で何番のスナップショットがどの時間帯のものか照らし合わせる手間が少ないので、時間がかかりますがお勧めです。

Here's how to take a snapshot with Blender. In fact, I recommend this method, although it takes more time, because you don't have to check which snapshot is from which time zone later.

Blenderを開いてVideo Edi tModeにして動画をインポートしてください。

Open Blender and make it Video Edit Mode to import the video.

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Follow the steps in the figure above to create a snapshot.

GIMPでの画像処理 : Image Processing in GIMP


Next, open GIMP and use drag and drop to import the snapshot image into GIMP for further processing.


The images below illustrate the process of drawing a red box around the points you want to focus on and adding additional explanatory text.

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There is a simple reason to use a translucent rectangle filled with black or white as the background color for your text.


To make text easier to read. That's all. Please understand that it is not because it is fashionable or because everyone does so.


And the tutorial videos are meant to help you understand the process, so a simple textual representation should suffice.

Combine edited images in Blender


Next is a description how to combine edited images in Blender.

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First, import the video into Blender.


And then, Cut the location of the snapshot in the video, and then import the image and adjust its length between them.


I will adjust the position of the image and the position and time of the video in the way I have explained so far.

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This time, in order to make it easier to understand the point that I want to explain, I will pause the video for a moment. That is, the playback time of the cut image is extended. Then you overlay the same but edited image on top of it. Then, when the image suddenly changes, you feel rushed, so you change the opacity using keyframes so that it gradually appears on the screen.

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See the video to understand how KeyFrame works, or check out the previous blog post.


Repeat this process as many times as necessary.

編集が少し複雑になってしまう場合が多々あります。 その時は、編集作業中でも一度編集動画を短い時間に区切ってレンダリングして確認してみることをお勧めします。

If editing your video becomes complicated, it's a good idea to render the video you're editing in short chunks to see if it's working.

今回使用したソフトは素晴らしいことに全て無料で使用できます。 作ってくれた偉大なる先人達に感謝です。 さらにMac、Windows、Linuxどれでも動きます。 無駄に高いソフトを購入しなくても、簡単な動画ならこれで十分です。 まだまだ色々なことがこれらのソフトを組み合わせてできます。 是非各自で創意工夫をして色々と作ってみてください。

The software I used this time can be used for free. I thank my great predecessors. It also supports Mac, Windows and Linux. You don't have to buy expensive software. It's good enough for simple video editing. You can do more with this software. Please try making various things with your own creativity.


Next time, I will write a blog post about the last guitar TAB application.

See You Next Page!